THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 1: The Mindset to ThriveVzorec

Day 3 - The Mindset To Thrive: Practical Tools To Rock Your Mom Mind
Hey there, super moms! We've been diving into MINDSETS for the past couple of days and exploring the awesome helmet of salvation. It's like our superpower gear as believers and followers of Jesus. But today, let's take it a step further and talk about how we can protect our precious mom minds and keep that helmet on tight!
Thriving requires the right mindset, and we're all about that. So, how do we ensure that we never get caught off guard by the sneaky enemy who's always trying to mess with our heads? Well, buckle up, because I've got some daily hacks for you:
Let's kick it off with Romans 12:1-2: “Hey, beloved mom friends! How should we respond to God's amazing love? By surrendering ourselves to Him and living in holiness, which totally delights His heart. Don't just go with the flow of the world, but let the Holy Spirit transform your thinking. This will help you understand God's will and live a beautiful, satisfying, and perfect life in His eyes." (Romans 12:1-2, Mom's Personal Translation)
See, one key thing to keep our helmets on is to embark on a journey of constant renewal. Yep, salvation is a fantastic gift from God, but it also requires some "working out" with a little fear and trembling. So, make sure to refresh your mom mind daily with the washing of God's word. Renewing your mind is like hitting that mental reset button and keeping your thoughts in the right place. You got this!
Now, let's talk boat sinking and bathtub displacement. Brace yourselves for a little science adventure, moms! When it comes to sinking, it's not the water on the outside that's the problem. It's the water that manages to sneak inside the boat and ruin our peaceful floating.
Archimedes, an ancient Greek scientist, figured out that when you put something in water, it pushes the water away to make room for itself. It's called displacement, and you've totally experienced it, probably in your bathtub! Remember how the water level rises when you jump in? That's displacement in action!
You see, there are two forces at play: gravity pulling down and buoyancy pushing up. An object will float if the upward force (buoyancy) is stronger than the downward force (gravity). So, to keep our helmets on and dodge those enemy arrows in our minds, we can't carry unnecessary weight. We need to mount a guard at the door of our mom minds!
Proverbs 4:23 says it all: “Above all, guard your heart, momma! It affects everything you are. Take care of your innermost being, because that's where the wellspring of life flows from." (Proverbs 4:23, Mom's Friendly Version)
Let's do some mental decluttering, shall we? Consciously replace negative thoughts with pure and true ones. Flip that mental switch! Remember, as moms, we're experts at multi-tasking, so continually center your mind on what's true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy. Plant those good thoughts deep in your mom heart.
And here's a hot tip: distance yourself from people, news, or social media accounts that constantly sow negative seeds in your heart and make you lose your peace. We don't need that kind of drama, right? Moms need all the peace we can get!
No wonder Philippians 4:6-7 tells us: "Don't stress about anything, girl! Instead, pray about everything, with a thankful heart. Let God know your specific requests, and girl, His peace will blow your mind. It will guard your heart and mind, and you'll be rocking it in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7, Mom's Chill Version)
To thrive, we need a nurturing environment for our mom minds to bloom and grow. Don't let worries and cares choke out your positive seeds, okay? Guard your heart, keep your mind in the right place, and sow those good seeds in your mom-mind garden. Remember, as a mom thinks in her heart, so she is!
Let's wrap it up with a mom-prayer: "Hey, Lord! Thanks for wanting us moms to THRIVE in this crazy world. Today, I commit to guarding my heart, mounting a guard at the gates of my mom-mind, and thinking like a true superhero. Help me thrive, Lord, and show me that I'm rocking this mom life with Your strength. Amen!"
So, super moms, let's gear up, guard our minds, and rock that mom mindset like the superheroes we are. Stay quirky, stay protected, and keep that helmet on! You're amazing, momma!
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About this Plan

The 'THRIVE' Devotional Series is a guide to living and thriving in God's Purpose. The 'Mindset To Thrive' focuses on developing the right kind of mindset you need to walk in God's purpose for your life.