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By Name

DAY 6 OF 7

Serve Them

“Baby, I’m going to pick up one of my college students for church. Can we take her with us to lunch after the service?” Mercy batted her eyelashes, and I was powerless to resist.

“Sure, sounds like fun,” I said.

Later that day, I met up with Mercy and her student at a local Chinese restaurant. “Hi, I’m Brian! What’s your name?” I said, offering my hand across the table to the young lady.

She seemed uncertain about me but shook my hand anyway. “I’m Snoop.”

“As in Snoop Dogg?” I asked.

“Yeah. My name’s Charlycia, but everyone calls me Snoop.”

We engaged in small talk and then I said what I always say when I meet someone for the first time. “So, tell me your story.”

Snoop folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. “Why do you want to hear my story?” she said defensively. “I don’t even know you. Why are you trying to get up in my business?”

“Well, you’re my wife’s student, we’re eating lunch together, and I want to get to know you,” I said, a bit taken aback. Then I tried again, “Tell me about your family.”

Snoop squinted at me and shook her head in disbelief. “You really can’t take a hint, can you? Why are you asking so many [bleep]-ing questions?”

The tension was palpable. Needless to say, shortly after our food arrived, I decided to escape. “It was great to meet you, Snoop. Thanks for coming to lunch with us.” I turned to Mercy and said, “I’m going to take Chloe and Colin to a movie.”

As I sat in the theater with my kids, I fumed over what had just transpired, thinking, “I was only trying to be nice. Oh, well, at least I won’t see her again.” But a few weeks later, Mercy said to me, “Guess who I’m picking up for church today?”

I looked at her with pleading eyes and said, “Please, not that rude student of yours.”

“Honey don’t be like that! Give her a chance. She’s hurting and needs people who will just love her.”

I sighed, trying to reconcile my feelings.

A few weeks later, Mercy informed me Snoop was coming over for lunch and I needed to be on my best behavior. Little did I know it would be the beginning of something special. We ate, we watched a movie, and truly enjoyed spending time with her. From then on, lunch with Snoop became a weekly affair.

A year later, Snoop devoted her life to Jesus, and soon after that, she asked me to baptize her in water. She was making huge strides as a disciple of Christ. One evening, Mercy shared with me that Snoop was struggling financially, and she needed help. Mercy asked, “Can Snoop stay with us until she recovers financially? We’ll make room.” I had intended to pray and explain to God why this was a bad idea, but before I could, the Holy Spirit moved on my heart and gave me the compassion I needed. We welcomed Snoop into our home the next day.

As the months went by, Snoop truly became part of our family. We ate together, prayed together, played games, watched movies, and laughed together. Our kids started looking to her as their older sister, and she embraced that role. We fought for each other and sometimes even fought each other. But that’s what families do. Snoop got on her feet financially and eventually moved into her own place.

Years have passed since that time, and I have watched Snoop blossom into an incredible human being—intelligent, generous, faithful, fiercely loyal, hard-working, and devoted. She has faced challenges and heartaches and has never given up. Her faith has been tested and shaken, but she has remained faithful. Snoop taught me that nothing communicates love as much as service. We prayed for her, cared for her, and shared Jesus with her. And the Father drew her to His Son.

As we become intentional about praying for our 5, listening to them, and sharing meals with them, we will inevitably begin to see needs arise in their lives. To simply preach to them while they remain hungry, sick, alone, sad, or in trouble, will only further harden their hearts to the Gospel. When we find a need in their lives, we should meet it within our capabilities.

The fourth habit in the B.L.E.S.S. lifestyle is to serve them. At the last supper, Jesus taught us by example what it means to become a servant to all. He did not demand to be served but took a knee and washed His disciples’ feet to model the posture and nature of a servant. We shouldn’t tell people how much Jesus loves them if we are not willing to show them His love through our actions (James 2:20). Why? Because people often need to see your good works before they will believe your words.

As you seek to win souls, use your gifts and talents to serve people whenever you find a need. Meeting people’s physical needs opens their hearts for us to minister to their spiritual needs.


Lord, give me a servant’s heart. Thank You for calling me to be a blessing to the five people I’ve been praying for daily. Give me eyes that see their needs and a heart to serve willingly. Help me to use the gifts and resources You have given me to show them Your love in action. Continue to work in their hearts and draw them closer to You.


  1. As you pray, listen, and eat with your five, what needs do you see in their lives that you can meet?
  2. What gifts has God given you that would help you meet those needs?
  3. If their needs are beyond your resources and giftings, who can you partner with to meet them?


Make a list of the needs you see in the lives of the five people you are praying for daily. Ask God which needs you can personally meet or who you know who might be able to meet their needs. As you think through meeting those needs, make sure you prioritize protecting people’s privacy, dignity, and autonomy.


Dan 5Dan 7

About this Plan

By Name

Billions worldwide don't know Jesus, but God has given us the power to change that, and it all starts with prayer. Prayer ignites your heart for God’s mission. This 7-day Bible Plan from Brian Alarid’s book, 'By Name,' inspires and equips you to lead people to Jesus using Jesus' modeled lifestyle habits: Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat with them, Serve, and Share Jesus (B.L.E.S.S.).
