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God's Life PlanSample

God's Life Plan

DAY 5 OF 6


The Fourth “S”- Suffering

“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.” Romans 8:16-17 ESV

I used to hate it when I heard someone say the famous line, “You are either in a storm, you are coming out of a storm or you are heading into a storm.” What a Danny Downer statement! However, after living for 56 years, I must say I think it’s true.

No one is immune from suffering. It is an inevitable part of the human experience. All of us go through various trials and tests which shake us to the core and force us to consider our current path in life. As a matter of fact, much of our life planning, if we are following the world system, is centered around avoiding hardship. Insurance, retirement planning, home selection, education…all prudent, intelligent choices we make to “better our lives." But in the end, do they really provide what the deepest parts of our hearts are longing for?

For those surrendered souls, who are seeking God and willing to sacrifice, they find that suffering can be a gift. I heard a great quote the other day by Henri Nouwen: “Grateful people learn to celebrate even amid life’s hard and harrowing memories because they know that pruning is no mere punishment, but preparation.” In my ministry, we focus a lot on “abiding in Christ”. In John 15, Jesus says He is the vine and we are the branches. He says if we are abiding (remaining) in Him, we will bear great fruit. But He also says that branches need to be pruned. Pruning is a painful process of cutting away things in our lives. This happens through trials and suffering. And to the one who has eyes to see, we can see God is doing a beautiful work and bearing fruit through us.

Suffering can be some great tragedy in our lives, but more often, it is the daily struggle of living in a fallen world. When Adam and Eve sinned and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, part of the curse was having eyes to see the good that is possible through God, but also seeing the forces of evil at work every day. All you have to do is turn on the news any given day, and you will see 30 minutes of reports of sickness, death, wars, hatred, violence, and division. It is around us every day and it affects all of us. Many turn to alcohol or anti-depressants to deal with this reality.

But God would have us come to Himself, the One who understands our suffering.

Jesus says: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ”Matthew 11:28 ESV

And Hebrews, too, talks about Jesus: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:15-16 ESV

Suffering is not to be feared. But as we accept our suffering as from God and allow Him to carry us through it, we will find that we discover more of the life that God intended. Suffering tenderizes the soul in a way that nothing else can. It helps us understand our Lord better and the suffering He endured for us. It helps us give others a break and have more empathy. It gives us a new perspective on life. It produces more love within us.

Yes, the saying is true about being in a storm, coming out of a storm or heading into a storm…but the good news is…Jesus is in the boat with us.

Dan 4Dan 6

About this Plan

God's Life Plan

Most Christians have discovered that only God can fill the void in our souls that the world has never been able to fill. However, we frequently try to live by the world system. We still esteem those who have wealth, power, and fame. We still long for pleasures, adventures, and conquests. For the next 5 days, we will discover God's Life Plan as we explore 5 S's.
