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Faith: Faith JustifiesSample

Faith: Faith Justifies

DAY 3 OF 5

All-Access Passes

In Romans, Paul speaks about the incredible benefits of justification through faith in Jesus Christ. Justification is like a master key opening everything up. The first benefit is peace with God, and the second is obtaining access to God (Romans 5:1-2). Paul writes, ”Through him, we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” This means we can approach God and have a relationship with Him through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Imagine having a key fob that grants you access to various places at your workplace or other locations. Similarly, Jesus is our ”fob“ that grants us access to God. He introduces us to the Father, inviting us into the throne room of heaven. Jesus is our access point to the presence of God.

In the Old Testament, Jews were separated from God by a veil in the temple, while a wall separated Gentiles. There were even different courts for men and women. However, when Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom, signifying direct access to God (Luke 23:45). Paul writes in Ephesians that Jesus broke down the dividing wall between Jews and Gentiles. Through Him, we all have access to the Father by one Spirit.

This access to God allows us to stand in a secure position, as mentioned in Hebrews 4:16: ”Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need.” We can approach God and have a relationship with Him because of our faith in Jesus.

To illustrate access to a place of power, consider the famous photograph of John F. Kennedy with his two children playing in the Oval Office. They had access to this powerful place because their father was the president. Similarly, we have access to God because He is our Father. We can enter the throne room of heaven for all eternity, not just for a few years.

Justification through faith in Jesus Christ provides us peace with God and access to Him. This amazing gift allows us to enter a relationship with our Heavenly Father and experience His presence, power, and love. Our circumstances do not limit our access to God; whether in hope or affliction, we can always confidently approach Him. Do you understand your place with God? Do you come to Him freely? Do you come to Him even when you know you are in sin? Come to Him today, knowing Christ paid for your sins and granted access to the Father.

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About this Plan

Faith: Faith Justifies

Justification declares sinners righteous on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ alone. When God looks at us as believers in Christ, it’s just as if we’d never sinned, and we receive every benefit of justification. These include having peace with God, obtaining access to Him, learning to rejoice in hope and affliction, cultivating God-honoring character, and possessing His love.
