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Who Am I Really? A Journey to Discover Your True IdentitySample

Who Am I Really? A Journey to Discover Your True Identity

DAY 1 OF 13

Welcome! I’m so glad you’ve decided to embark on this journey to discover your true identity. Before we begin, I would like to remind you of a simple yet profound truth: YOU ARE A MIRACLE! You are God’s purposeful creation, His beloved child, His masterful design. Do you believe it?

God wants you to know that He loves you—you matter—and He has a plan and purpose for your life. You have been placed on this earth intentionally, and God has a specific role for you to play in His masterful plan. All of your experiences have brought you to this place, right here, right now. Some of those experiences have been trying, difficult, and life changing. Some have been joy-filled blessings straight from above. But regardless, every single experience has shaped you into the unique person you are today.

Your life journey tells a story all its own, and if you allow God to restore your identity and use your story (past, present, and future experiences), God will take you on an incredible adventure. All He asks in return is that you seek Him with all of your heart, allow Him to transform you from the inside out, and be willing to place your life upon the altar, offering every bit of your life up to Him, so He can mold and shape you into the image of His Son—Jesus.

God is the Great Redeemer. He doesn’t just transform your heart. He redeems your life. The good, the bad, and the ugly, every piece of your story will be used by Him. Nothing will be wasted.

How crazy is that?! The God of the universe uses us, with all our brokenness, to be part of His redemptive plan.

You are God’s crowning glory, His precious child. You are a child of the Most High God, and you have been made in His image. Your identity lies in your Creator!

The Miracle of Life

The human body is an amazing and complex piece of machinery. It is so complex; it boggles the mind.

Consider this… “Each human cell has a double helix library of three billion base pairs, providing fifty thousand genes. These three billion base pairs and fifty thousand genes somehow engineer 100 trillion neural connections in the brain—enough points of information to store all the data and information contained in a fifty-million-volume encyclopedia.” ~Charles Pope

Life is God’s gift to us. What we do with it is our gift back to God. However, life can be messy. You may look at your life and think, there is nothing of value for God to use.

I’m not sure that anyone escapes this world without heartache or strife. Mortal existence leaves us feeling drained, disheartened, and confused about who we are and why we’re here.

How did we get here? Two words—broken world. God’s creation has been marred by the influence of sin. This world is but a poor reflection of what it once was in the beginning.

Genesis chapter one expounds upon God’s creation. Everything in this world and universe was spoken into existence by God. And it was perfect -- until sin entered the picture, that is.

Adam and Eve had a very special relationship with God. We are told that God walked the earth with them. They were His precious creation. But eventually, they fell into the trap of the enemy and were deceived. Satan twisted God’s Word (much like he does today) and planted the first seeds of doubt. “Did God really say…?”

The enemy was able to convince Adam and Eve that the reason God didn’t want them to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was because, in doing so, they would become like God. But here’s the irony in Satan’s deception. Adam and Eve were already like God. They had been made in His image.

You, too, have been made in God’s image. Your identity lies in your Creator!

Sadly, the lies of the enemy are no less prevalent today. He continues to whisper his lies and deception, causing you to doubt your true self. In fact, the enemy’s lies are more prevalent today than ever before.

The enemy has unprecedented influence through the advances of our culture and modern technology. Through both obvious and subliminal parodies of worldly truth, the sons and daughters of God are besieged with one lie after another. There is tremendous pressure to measure up, fit in, and go with the flow. And all of that in a society that not only rejects God but tries to tell us He doesn’t even exist.

The end result?

Millions of people struggle with misplaced and confused identity. The enemy appears to be winning, but God has revealed the end of this saga.

Friend, it’s time to pick up the broken pieces of your life and start looking through the eyes of the One who fashioned you in His likeness—God. The journey to discover your TRUE identity starts here and now!

Over the next several days, you will uncover biblical truths about your identity as a child of God and learn how to practically apply God’s unchanging truths to the core of your being.

Each day will include:

  • Your True Identity in Christ
  • Biblical Truths
  • Life-Application
  • Make it Personal
  • Action Step
  • Prayer

Let’s Get Started!

Dan 2

About this Plan

Who Am I Really? A Journey to Discover Your True Identity

Discover and embrace your unique identity by incorporating 12 scriptural truths that confirm who you are in Christ. Each day’s devotion includes your identity in Christ, a relevant story, things to ponder, an action step, prayer, and supporting Scriptures.
