[Wisdom for Kids] Wisdom Has Rewards!Vzorec

[Wisdom for Kids] Wisdom Has Rewards!

DAY 5 OF 7

Ranger Goodsense

As you grow up, you will have to make more daily choices. Sometimes those choices are as easy as jam or butter, but others will be a little more difficult. Your parents love you very much and are taking the time to teach you about God’s wisdom right now while you are young. His wisdom is the key ingredient in your heart that will help you choose right every time.

With God’s wisdom comes His good judgment (or “common sense,” as you might hear some people call it). You cannot buy this at the store, but you find it as you get closer to God. His character begins to fill your heart. His thoughts become your thoughts.

It’s important to say here that God loves you no matter what. Even if you make a terrible choice, He will not stop loving you nor be mad at you. He understands it is hard to make the right choice every time because you are not perfect—you are not God. But He still wants you to come to Him to seek His guidance. God wants to ensure that you enjoy the life He has planned for you and the purpose for which He created you.

(Parents/adults – Remind your child that, just as God does, you will not stop loving them if they make a wrong choice. And if you are brave, tell them about a time you made a wrong choice. How did God deal with you? Talk to your child about hearing God’s “still, small voice” that kindly draws you back to Him for forgiveness and a fresh start.)

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me always. I want to grow to be exactly the way You have in mind for me. Please give me the

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About this Plan

[Wisdom for Kids] Wisdom Has Rewards!

This devotional introduces children to the second chapter of the Book of Proverbs. This plan is intended to be completed by adults with their children. As you read each devotion, you will see instructions for the parent/adult to discuss ideas and/or situations with the child to aid in their understanding of the biblical concept of wisdom. Be ready to share God’s goodness with your child.
