Read: Luke 1:57–80
SOAP: Luke 1:68–71
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, because he has come to help and has redeemed his people. For he has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as he spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from long ago, that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us.”
Into the Text
John’s birth caused quite a stir. His father had been mute for months, and his mother was past the age of childbearing. All the neighbors and relatives heard that God had shown great mercy to this family, and they rejoiced with Elizabeth and Zechariah.
Zechariah knew the law, the words of the prophets, and all that God had done for His people. He was a priest, one of the few people in Israel permitted to enter the Holy Place—the inner chamber of the temple where God’s presence dwelled. He was faithful and devout but, in a moment of testing, he let his unbelief get the best of him.
Yet, the same God who was bringing the Messiah and His forerunner into the world—through miraculous and unlikely pregnancies—was the God who showed mercy and forgiveness to Zechariah. God wasn’t too busy bringing restoration to the world to restore speech to Zechariah. When he named his son, Zechariah displayed obedience as well as faith in what God was doing, and God offered him grace.
At that moment, Zechariah was filled with praise, proclaiming the incredible holiness and goodness of God. He declared God’s goodness and His plan to redeem His people, a plan unfolding before his eyes.
We will never be fully free from longings, mistakes, disgrace, or unbelief until we are in heaven But what we see beautifully displayed in Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s lives is the way God not only redeems all these things but also uses them for His glory. Their community knew they had been unable to have a child, and they knew Zechariah had been disciplined for his unbelief. When they saw God’s mercy on this family, they all rejoiced.
God undoubtedly saw Zechariah and Elizabeth in their years of pain and longing. He was merciful despite their mistakes and used both to encourage their community and make His name great. He is the same God today. What might He be working to restore in your life, even in your longing or momentary unbelief?
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About this Plan
In the Gospel of Luke, we find a unique account of Jesus’ life. Luke shows us how much Jesus sees, knows, and cares for His people. He continually goes out of His way to help those in need and to seek the lost. This Gospel also shows us what it truly means to follow Jesus and what it may cost us when we do.