Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 3)Vzorec

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!” Whatever. Our childish retort was a lie and we knew it. Words can hurt.
Words matter.
Words are powerful. God created the heavens and the earth by His Words. He is the Word! Words are important because they are the way we communicate with each other. We should know, since the average woman is said to speak about 13,000 more words a day than a man! Words are also the way we communicate with God. It’s also one way He communicates with us. Words reveal our motives and intentions: whether spoken tenderly to comfort, bless, and encourage or in an explosion of anger to blame, defend, and convince. All of these words come from the same mouth, sometimes on the same day, at times within a matter of moments. All words originate in our heart, either building or tearing down. We can drown people, especially our families, with too many words or starve them by shutting down.
Words are eternal. We can never take back something we said, even if we say it in jest. There is always an element of truth in sarcasm, and sarcasm is a poor way to communicate with those we love, though our kids seem to draw that from us with their attitudes. Even after the most heart-felt apology for our heated, hateful, or careless words, the destruction will always remain. It takes a mighty working of the Holy Spirit to heal wounds that are left from those words. You know. You’ve been on the receiving end. And more times than you want, you are on the giving end.
The Word of God teaches us that words originate in our hearts, reveal its condition, and have the power of life or death. Wow! That’s a lot to consider. What are we leaving behind with our words? They are eternal.
May we speak less words to others and more words to God.
Father, I confess that currently my heart may not be in the best condition, considering my words. I repent of the harshness of my tone, the sharpness of my commands, and words that brought death and destruction, rather than life and encouragement. I ask you to be the dwelling Presence of my heart today and always, being quick to remind me when I’ve displaced you with my own agenda and selfishness. May my words be a blessing to my family and others today, but especially to you. Thank you for loving me, even in my weaknesses.
About this Plan

Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 3 in this series of 12.