CHANGED! And Changing Still..Vzorec

CHANGED! And Changing Still..

DAY 30 OF 31

Change The Way You Speak

Key Thought

The power of the tongue has the power to change your reality. You may be experiencing something great, but in a very short time, you words could change everything. Ever been having a great time with friends and you say something you never should have said?

Something you would never have said if you only were in a better frame of mind! I have said some really dumb things when I have been tired. And now it's even more exhausting to change a moment I have destroyed. Eve should never have engaged in a conversation with Satan in the Garden of Eden. It never helps to have devilish conversations. They profit nobody.

The longer that conversation went on with the devil, the closer Eve was to doing something that became the ultimate depravity for all of us. Sin entered the world. Jesus gave us the best example of how to respond in these situations. He simply said, "It is written!" (See Luke 4:4-12). Nothing else was needed.

The most appropriate response to the devil or any conversations he inspires, is to simply respond with God's word. God's words (the bible) give us every frame of reference we need to live this life. He also helps us change the way we speak to the people we love. How is it that many of us find it so hard to say the simplest sentences? Why are three words so difficult to say - "I love you!" We really need to work on changing whatever it is that holds these words back.

Time To Think

When was the last time my words really hurt someone? What are some easy things I could say to change the way I speak?


Jesus, You are the Word of Life. Thank you that You always speak life and truth. Help me to say what You would say in every situation. Give me courage to use my words to love the people in my life. Help me speak Your words of life and change the world around me. Amen.

Dan 29Dan 31

About this Plan

CHANGED! And Changing Still..

When we surrender to Jesus He changes us in a moment but we are still being changed everyday to become more like Him. This devotion deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. We are changed and changing still.
