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Overcome Weariness in the Trials of Life a 4-Day Devotional by Melanie NorrisSample

Overcome Weariness in the Trials of Life a 4-Day Devotional by Melanie Norris

DAY 3 OF 4

Wait on the Lord

"How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?" - Psalm 13:1 (CSB)

Sometimes, we grow weary in our trials because we get frustrated with the time and think we've been in our circumstances too long. We begin thinking that God has forgotten about us and find ourselves crying out to God like David in Psalm 13, "Lord, how long?" "How long will it be until you deliver me?" "How long until I'm on the other side of 'through'?"

Often, it seems like silence fills the space where we long to hear His audible voice reassuring us that it won't be much longer. Our hearts grow faint and weary when we don't get the relief or outcome we've desperately prayed for in the expected timeframe. We focus more on our circumstances than on our Sovereign, All-Powerful God and Father.

In Isaiah 40, the prophet spent most of the chapter reminding the children of Israel of God's sovereignty and unlimited power as they claimed He had turned His back on them and ignored their requests. Isaiah reminded them that the Lord is the Everlasting God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the One who numbers the stars and calls them all by name, the One to whom there is no comparison. He wanted them to know that there was no way that such an awesome God could not see or hear them!

The problem was not with God's seeing or God's hearing. The problem was in the children of Israel's trust. Their strength waned, and their hearts grew weary because they failed to trust the power of their God, who sees all, hears all, and knows all. However, Isaiah told them in verse 29 that the Lord was able to restore their strength. But one thing was required of them first: to wait on the Lord (or, as some Bible translations say, "to trust" or "hope" in the Lord).

That same offer is available to us. No matter how long our trials last, we can overcome weariness if we wait on, trust in, and hope in the Lord. When we do, Isaiah 40:31 says:

1) Our strength that was lost will be renewed.
2) We will soar on wings like eagles.
3) We will run and not become weary, and
4) We will walk and not faint.

Those benefits sure outweigh being in a state of constant weariness! Will you wait on the Lord and trust His sovereignty over the timing of your circumstances?

Ask yourself
- What do you fear will or will not happen if you trust God with the timing of your circumstances?
- How can you willingly see God's perspective on your situation so that your strength is renewed?

Respond in Prayer

Father in Heaven, I praise You for Your greatness and unlimited power! You, indeed, are amazing! I confess that sometimes I fear entrusting my circumstances to You. I get so hung up on the timing of my deliverance that I fail to trust You. Please forgive me, and transform my heart and mind so I can take on Your perspective and trust You to handle my situation. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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About this Plan

Overcome Weariness in the Trials of Life a 4-Day Devotional by Melanie Norris

Trials are a part of our Christian journey, but that doesn’t mean they are easy to endure. As struggles intensify, we become worn down, and weariness seeps into our souls. However, Jesus has not left us to handle our trials alone. In this plan, unpack spiritual truths to help you find the rest and renewal Jesus offers so that you can overcome weariness and endure your trials with joy.
