On Our Knees: A 5 Day Devotional on PrayerVzorec

Pray Expecting to See God’s Glory
Moses is the first person in the Bible who dares to ask if he can see God. As I studied this story, I found it interesting that the Hebrew word for glory implies beauty and radiance and the substantial weightiness of God’s presence. Moses realized it was one thing to know God’s name, but in order to really begin to understand Yahweh, he needed to experience His glory. This passage of the Bible takes place at another critical moment for Israel as Moses finds himself once again in a spot of utter dependence on God to move. Moses has the entire nation of refugees camped out in the wilderness, waiting for leadership and direction about what to do next. So, right into the fear, desperation, and uncertainty of the situation, Moses prays this bold prayer: God, “show me your glory.” When Moses asks for God’s glory to be revealed, Moses isn’t really requesting to see a thunder, lightning, and earthquake show worthy of a movie special effects award.
Moses simply asks a deeply intimate question because he longs to know who God is, to experience God’s character and presence. Moses desires to see what defines God. He makes a bold request for a deeper level of knowing Him. It was the difference between knowing an acquaintance and knowing a parent. We can also pray bold prayers of revelation. We can experience God’s glory because that glory is manifested in Jesus—“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).
Through your words and actions, your life can reveal shades and colors of God’s glory to the world. So, let’s ask God to open our hearts to His presence today. Let’s be bold to see His love and renewal so that we will know and understand Him in all His glory.
Heavenly Father, I want to be bolder in asking You to show Your glory in my life today. May I be faithful in proclaiming the wonders, beauty, and weight of Your movement through my world, community, family, and life today. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for being a God who cares and responds to my needs. Amen.
What does it mean for your prayer life that you can see God’s glory in the person of Jesus?
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About this Plan

Rediscover the joy, power, and intimacy of prayer in this five-day devotional that illuminates the power of being with God, and dives into what it means for us to prioritize prayer and grow in our understanding of it.
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