The People of God: The Story of the ChurchVzorec

The People of God: The Story of the Church

DAY 23 OF 31

He is risen! After his death, Jesus rises again in a resurrection body, a shocking event to his Jewish followers who were expecting resurrection to occur at the end of time rather than the resurrection of the Messiah in the middle of history. By doing so, Jesus makes the opportunity for new creation to be possible here and now.

This passage has new creation themes all over it. Notice how it begins with the scene being set early in the morning on the first day of the week. In case we miss this fact, verse 19 again highlights the fact that it was the first day. After the Sabbath cycle has finished, a new creation begins on a new week. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, and she becomes the first evangelist - the announcer of Jesus’ resurrection. Even the fact that it is a women’s testimony to being the first eyewitness has new creation written all over it because a women’s testimony was not seen as reliable as a man’s in the ancient world. In another nod to Genesis, John notes the happy accident of Mary mistaking Jesus for a gardener. After the fall of humanity in the garden of Eden, the new creation begins in another garden, and the church of Jesus Christ is born!

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About this Plan

The People of God: The Story of the Church

What is the story of the church? This plan is a month-long journey through the Bible, looking at how God uses people, situations, and symbols to bring about communion between God and humanity once again. It follows the story of Israel and then the early church, highlighting the church's hope for resurrection and new creation and our role as agents of that new creation.
