Who Is God?Vzorec

Who Is God?

DAY 11 OF 15

Jesus Is the Light of the World

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Video Transcript:

Have you ever found yourself in a dark place? We all go through struggles with sin. The old darkness, it tries to creep back into our new lives. And when that happens, it's time to ask God for help. Help me!

You can cry out to Him. We need God to come with His wonderful life and to keep us from giving in to temptation, giving in to despair and the darkness. And we need Him to forgive us, and restore us and fill us with His strong love. We need him to shine His powerful light in all the dark corners of our soul in our life, right? If we let Him clean us out, one thing at a time, He will shine in us until every shadow is illuminated. Let Him do it.

First John 1 says this—it talks about just this very thing about how God wants us to live in the light with Him.

This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declared to you. God is light. There is no darkness in Him at all. And if we say that we have fellowship with Him, and yet keep walking in the darkness, we are lying, and we're not practicing the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.

All sin! Imagine - what a promise. Always remember it. And remember that when you struggle with the old darkness, you have a Father in heaven who loves you, and you can bring all your problems right before Him.

He will accept you. He will not reject you.

None of us are strong enough to fight the battle of temptation on our own. We can't overcome the struggle of our sinful nature in our own strength. Call out for Jesus, the light of the world. He drives out the darkness. Let Him drive the darkness out of your life today.

Ask Him to forgive you. Ask Him for freedom from sin, and the strength that He can provide. And He will do it.

These things—they are yours. They're—they're already yours. They've been purchased for you by the innocent blood of Jesus. So don't be afraid to lay hold of these promises. Even if you have to do it again, and again and again. Don't give up. God is helping you. He is going to help you through this. He is faithful and He is patient. He is a patient God.

So let's pray to our gracious, patient, heavenly Father right now. And we can just say…

Lord, I need You. Help me to bring every dark place within me into the light. Lord, when darkness calls me and draws me, please strengthen me and help me to choose the light. Shine into my heart, shine in and heal me. Day after day, Jesus, set me apart from every part of my old life and bring me into the life that You want for me—a life of joy—abundant joy, and freedom. I am Yours forever. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Jesus drives the darkness out.

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Who Is God?

It happens to us all. Conflicting messages cloud our vision. Pain and suffering wear our faith thin. Whether you've been following Him for a few days or a few years, we understand how easy it is to lose sight of who God truly is. Join us on a 15-day journey into the character of God. Be reminded how glorious He is, and how much He cares for you.
