

DAY 9 OF 21

Will you choose YOU?

In my lifetime I have seen devastating results from the devaluation of human life from the legal abortions of millions of lives, the daily attempts and successes of suicide, the legalization of euthanasia, and even the confusion of gender and sexuality. The evening news leads with stories of saving the life of an animal more often than it ever does with the saving of a human life. 

Human life has been devalued, and there is a reason.  

We have an enemy of our lives and our souls. He works hardest at leading us to believe that we have no worth and that our lives do not matter. He will make you think you are not enough, or that you are too much—that your life has no purpose. This is a lie perpetrated by the father of lies, satan.  

The Bible is very clear that our life has great value and purpose. Spend some time looking up these scriptures and discover what God says about you. Consider listing them in a journal page entitled  “I Am….” Allow the truth of God’s words to wash over you, giving you belief and hope that you are desired and wanted. Reject the lies of the enemy that say anything otherwise. If believing your life has immense worth is a struggle for you, write some of these verses on index cards and post them in places where you will see them often.  

Choose you. In the eyes of God, you have great value!


Dan 8Dan 10

About this Plan


Life is a series of choices, each determining the trajectory it will take. Will we choose life, by allowing our hearts to be changed by God's Word? Or will we default to our human nature, a passive choice leading to death?
