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Calm Your Anxiety and Restore Your Soul: 7 Days of Breath PrayersSample

Calm Your Anxiety and Restore Your Soul: 7 Days of Breath Prayers

DAY 2 OF 7

You Can Give God Your Burdens

Breathe Deep and Know: You can let go of the burdens you’re holding. You can trust God to take care of you.

Very often, anxiety is directly tied to the burdens and worries we’re carrying. You know that feeling when circumstances are out of your control, uncertainty is pressing in, and the future is unclear. It’s so easy to worry and let the weight of that worry weigh you down. It often seems like an instinct that is hard to control, like worry is just an automatic response to stress.

But the truth is, no amount of worry ever does us any good. We may feel like we are taking action when we worry, but worrying has never solved a problem, predicted an outcome, or calmed a heavy heart. Worry often leads to anxiety, which activates our stress response and dysregulates our bodies, and for believers, worry reflects our doubt in the care and provision of God, ultimately. Instead, the Bible tells us, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done (Philippians 4:6).

What burdens are you holding onto today? What do you need to give to God and entrust to His care?

Today’s Breath Prayer

Inhale: I Give My Burden to You

Exhale: You Will Take Care of Me

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About this Plan

Calm Your Anxiety and Restore Your Soul: 7 Days of Breath Prayers

Anxiety. Stress. Worry. How can you give your burdens to God when your heart is hurting and you just don't have the words to say? Breath prayers are short, one-sentence prayers that are directly rooted in Scripture, thought or spoken while breathing deeply. The science of breathing and the practice of praying God’s Word can work hand- in- hand to help calm your body and reorient your mind toward Christ.
