Glimpses of the Journey: Journeying With JesusVzorec

Glimpses of the Journey: Journeying With Jesus

DAY 3 OF 7

A Beautiful Thing

What the world may view as a waste, and what we may be tempted to view as a waste, He may see as beautiful.

Something that is a waste lacks purpose, is left over, or is no longer useful.

How easy it can be to mislabel something as a waste: whether a season, a situation, or even an act of service. How quickly we can conclude that something is a waste of time, waste of effort, or waste of money simply because we do not see its purpose or usefulness.

The next time we’re tempted to call something a waste, let us pause and consider this account from the Gospels, which took place just days before Jesus headed to the cross.

While others viewed the woman’s extravagant act of love - the pouring of expensive perfume over the head of Jesus - as a waste, Jesus saw it as a beautiful thing done unto Him.

Regardless of how it appears or how others may view it, may our desire be this: to do “a beautiful thing” unto Him. Why? Because He has done a “beautiful thing” for us, as shown when He asked, “What shall I say? ‘Father save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name!”

Despite his anguish of soul, Jesus was determined to fulfill the purpose for which He was born: the cross. He was betrayed, denied, forsaken, overwhelmed with sorrow.His pain was to such a degree that to this day we bear witness to that pain by the very word we use to describe physical or mental torment: “excruciate” (from the Latin base “crux,” meaning ‘a cross’).

The cross, and the journey to the cross, was not easy. In fact, it was something He had to ENDURE.

Is there any other way but to respond to His “beautiful thing” other than saying, “Lord, I want to live in such a way that my very life is a ‘beautiful thing’ unto you”? So, as we continue to journey with Jesus to the cross, may our hearts be ever moved to say with Him, “Father, glorify Your name!”

A life given to Jesus is NEVER a wasted life.

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About this Plan

Glimpses of the Journey: Journeying With Jesus

“Passion Week” (or Holy Week), the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, reflects upon the passion displayed by Jesus as He endured the excruciating pain of the cross. Through this 7 day plan of select passages taken from His final week, we posture our hearts to praise Him for all He has done, marvel at His gift of salvation, and remember how much He loves and cares for His children.
