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Are Your Dreams Big Enough?Sample

Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

DAY 2 OF 4

Want a New Level of Authority? Go After It!

Friend, in what level of authority are you currently walking? Is that level of authority fulfilling the fullness of God’s plan for your life?

For example, do you have:

  • Home-based authority, with influence over your family?
  • Church-based authority, with influence over a ministry, department, or even an entire church?
  • Regional authority with influence across a city, state, or nation?
  • Global authority with worldwide influence?

No matter where you are now, I ask you this: To what level of authority and influence are you called?

Beloved, if your current sphere doesn’t match your calling, I encourage you to go after more today.

I have a friend who became tired of her job in the medical field. She worked hard day in and day out, but she was extremely frustrated. Why? Because no matter how hard she worked or how excellent her work was, she would always be the lowest-ranking person in the office. It wasn’t possible for her to climb any higher.

My friend was frustrated and upset because the greatness God placed in her spirit was too large for her environment. She was feeling a bottleneck of anointing and power.

All powered up, no place to go.

So she applied for another job—and got it. The new job was a job with a huge company, a fantastic career path, and no limitations on how far she could go. She’s over-the-moon happy in her new environment because now she can do work consistent with her dreams.

Does her story sound familiar? Are you in a similar place of dissatisfaction?

For example:

  • Do you tolerate dishonor when, inwardly, you know you were made in the image of God and deserve to be honored and treated kindly?
  • Are you barely scraping by financially every month when you know you are worth more than you earn—and that you could and should be doing well financially?
  • Are you living to survive the moment when you inwardly sense you are called to do something that will leave a legacy to your children and the generations after you?

God honors both small and large circles of influence.

However, throughout the Bible, God’s people are called over and over to have a worldwide influence. Is something burning inside you telling you that you are called to nations?

If your biggest passion is authority in the home, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. Take authority over your home and family, and rock it every day. If you’re already in that place and walking fully in your call, then you’ve got it made.

But if you dream of a different scope and level of authority—if you dream of influencing your nation or even multiple nations—what are you doing to make that happen?

Jesus said the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).

So here’s your question: Are you also willing to chase the dream, the call, the Voice of your Beloved, Jesus—and go after the full scope of authority and influence to which He has called you?

This is not a guilt trip. If you’re not yet walking in the level of authority to which you’ve been called, that’s okay. Life, growth, ministry, calling, authority, and influence are all PROCESSES.

But are you taking steps to help you arrive at the level of influence for Christ that you desire?

Because if you’re not taking steps to get you to that level of influence, then it’s time to examine yourself and ask why. For some, the answer to that question is laziness, lack of passion, or poor time management. But for most, the answer is fear:

  • Fear of what other people will think.
  • Fear of being seen as power-hungry or negatively ambitious.
  • Fear of trying again in case they fail again.

And if you are afraid, know this: Beloved, don’t be less than you are.

Who you are was ordained by God Himself before the foundation of the world. God the Father, the Creator, Maker of Heaven and Earth, conceived you in His mind’s eye long before your mother’s egg and your father’s sperm came together. Who you are is not determined by what other people think about you.

And who you are is not determined by who acknowledges who you are.

Frankly, dear friend, who you are is not up to people. It’s not up to other people to approve or disapprove of your call and your DNA. Who you are was divinely ordained by the one and only Living God–the God who knew you before He formed you in the womb.

And beloved, God put you on earth for a purpose—a purpose for which you are uniquely created and uniquely qualified:

  • You have a voice that no one else on the planet has.
  • You can have influence that no one else in the world can have.
  • Your message, story, and life can reach people for Jesus in a way that no other person can ever do.

YOU are God’s agent of the hour. You can shape history. YOU are the one person God has chosen to change the world in your generation.

So don’t be less than you are, beloved.

It’s time to stop drawing back, stop holding back, and stop trying to diminish who and what God has made you to be. It’s time to stop trying to fit in. It’s time to blow the mold wide open with the explosive force and power that God calls you.

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About this Plan

Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

Are your dreams big enough to represent Christ well and glorify our great, big God? Do you really believe and pray for all the BIG promises God makes you in the Scriptures? Or, does your faith need a boost? Read this Plan and get inspired to go after ALL God has for you!
