Rest and War: Rhythms of a Well-Fought LifeVzorec

Rest and War: Rhythms of a Well-Fought Life

DAY 5 OF 5

Rest: Take Heart When Troubles Come

You don’t have to live long in this world to discover that life can be hard, and it is not always fair. Trials from without and temptations from within threaten to sink us all the time. These are hard seas to navigate. When you begin to establish a good rhythm in life, something will swerve into your lane and mess up your stride. When you build a beautiful life, something will crash into it and make a mess. So what do you do?

Thankfully God has given us structures and strategies for our spiritual lives, and they work if we work them. As we disentangle ourselves from every destructive pattern of thinking or behaving that might encumber us, we commit ourselves to run the course that our God has set out for us! (See Hebrews 12:1.) This process takes perseverance—endurance. We need to foster the voice inside us that says, “I will never stop.

The devil will exploit your weaknesses. He entices and accuses, and he doesn’t let up. Paul used the word wrestle to describe our spiritual struggles (see Ephesians 6:12kjv). Though the fight never ends, persistent problems do not mean we are never destined to make progress. You may have some temptations now that feel all-consuming, but I promise you, friend, it can get better.

Here’s some more good news: the more you struggle, the stronger you can become. Resistance builds resilience. That is why God doesn’t relieve us from some of our struggles; he wants to use them to build strength within us. So make the choice today, and each day, to lay aside every weight, cast off the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race that set before us. Remember, the same God who led the saints of old wants to lead us through all of our tragedies and triumphs as well.

How do we run our race? We look to Jesus, our ultimate hero! Jesus didn’t stop halfway through the valley of the shadow of death. He pushed on through to the other side. He blazed a trail right through death and into life eternal and now beckons us to follow. The right combination of external drama and internal discouragement will beat down and steal the resolve of the best of us. So we have got to stick with our Hero, who wants to walk alongside us every step of the way.

If we are going to live the victorious lives he demands of us, we need his supernatural guidance and power. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit (see Galatians 5:25). True spirituality looks like constant dependence. No matter how strong you are, you will arrive at a moment when your storehouse of energy is depleted, and you still may slip and fall. Even then, Jesus will be there—not to condemn you but to catch you. This is our King. So keep running, friend. You’ve got this because he’s got you.


What challenges are you facing in living a victorious life for Christ?

In what ways do challenges encourage you to persevere? How does Scripture encourage you to walk with endurance?

What hope do you find in knowing that Jesus walks with you, empowers you with His Spirit, and catches you when you fall?

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About this Plan

Rest and War: Rhythms of a Well-Fought Life

This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Ben Stuart’s book Rest and War. The spiritual life can feel like it’s a struggle because it is! The pursuit of intimacy with God occurs within the context of adversity. And yet with struggle can come progress if we learn to struggle well.
