Radically Rediscovering RestVzorec

I used to think that rest was the most boring thing. I don’t have time to sit on the couch or lay in bed; I want to be out in the world making a difference!
My week consists of work, meetings, team development, serving in my community, studying my Bible, LifeGroup, four church services, family time, date nights with my wife, creating content, consulting for other nonprofits, and I try to sneak in a skate session when I can. I don’t have time for rest.
Until I found out I do. We actually all do.
Recent studies show the average American spends 5.4 hours on their phone a day. That’s 37.8 hours a week—1,956 hours a year. The average adult American also spends 3.3 hours a day watching tv. That’s 23.4 hours a week watching television or 1,217 hours a year.
How different would our lives look if we replaced those 60+ hours a week of mind numbing content with something that fills you up and brings you rest. It could be time in prayer, reading God’s word, walking in nature, listening to worship music with a good cup of coffee, joining your friends or family for conversation over an unhurried lunch, or playing games with your kids.
Jesus was never hurried.
He took the time to see people that were often overlooked. He had long unhurried meals with friends. He stopped whatever He was doing to perform miracles and signs. If the Son of God practiced rest, you should too.
TAKE ACTION: We mentioned multiple things you can do to replace those mind-numbing hours. During your prayer time today, pick one of those ways to find rest, put it on your calendar, and stick to it! When you practice resting, put your phone down, detach from work, and be in the moment.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

How has your week been? Busy? Did you work late? Can’t find time for the things you enjoy doing? Maybe even too busy to start a new devotional? Yea, some weeks that’s me too. Let’s take seven days and discover the biblical importance of rest.