
Evidence: The Historic Jesus
The existence of Jesus Christ has been debated for centuries. In fact, even in recent times, there are those who shout from the rooftops that Jesus was only a myth. Yet this group continues to dwindle and their opinions continue to be dismissed as more and more scholars confirm that Jesus was an actual person, in the flesh. (Read 1 John 4:2-3)
These scholars are not just professing Christians, either. But the evidence available is too compelling to arrive at any other honest conclusion. After all, the writings that confirm Jesus’ existence go beyond the New Testament. Let’s take this time to just highlight two of the most renowned extra-biblical sources.
First is Tacitus, who not only served as a Roman senator, but is also regarded as one of ancient Rome’s best historians (we actually derive our English word “tacit” from his name). His last major work (Annals) actually references Christians who resided in the area at the time of Nero. His disdain for these Christ followers was apparent; yet in his disdain, Tacitus provided strong evidence of the person of Jesus by acknowledging His execution. In Judea. By Pontius Pilate.
Like the Bible says: “And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor.” (Read Matthew 27:1-2)
The second source we will look at that provides evidence of Jesus’ existence is from the Jewish priest and historian, Josephus, who lived in Rome after his capture in the Jewish Revolt. Through various circumstances, Josephus gained access to the imperial court, allowing him to write extensively on Judaism and Jewish History. In his work, Jewish Antiquities, Josephus mentions Jesus twice, even calling Him “Jesus who is called Messiah” to make His identity clear.
These are only two of a number of sources confirming the historic Jesus. However, these two are extremely significant: one was a Roman historian, and one was a Jewish priest. Neither were friends or followers of Christ.
As you share your faith with others, do not be surprised if some do not believe He existed at all. In fact, embrace the opportunity to share the historical evidence; it just might be the catalyst for the quest for truth.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, we pray that we will be ready to answer the question about the existence of the person of Jesus Christ with grace and conviction. Help us to share the Good News of His becoming flesh to dwell among us, taking our sin upon Himself so that we can be reconciled to You forever.
In Jesus name, amen.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

Taking a look at the evidence that supports the existence of Jesus as the Messiah using Biblical references and clips from God’s Not Dead 2, the film. Always be able to give an answer for what you believe. This study will aid you in learning the factual support of Biblical truths and encourage you to live out that truth in your life.