Awesome God: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)Vzorec

Day 3: God Is Our Restorer
The prophet Jeremiah wrote to the Jews in Babylon, who had been deported from their land. He told them to prepare for a seventy-year exile, which was a result of God’s people disobeying His commands. God had been faithful to His people, but they remained stubborn and had to face the consequences of their sins. In spite of their rebellion, God promised comfort and assured them of His covenant faithfulness. The exile was meant for discipline, not destruction.
Through Jeremiah, God instructed His people to build houses and raise families in exile and to wait patiently for their return (Jeremiah 29:4–9). God promised preservation. He reminded them that He had wonderful plans to prosper them and not to harm them, to give them hope and a future. God’s people responded with repentance, turned back to Him, and opened their hearts to seek Him. God’s purpose for His people had always been to display His righteousness to the nations so that they too would want to follow Him (Deuteronomy 4:5–8). Therefore, as God’s people turned back to Him, He not only promised to bring them back to their land but also to restore their fortunes as in the past.
Eventually, the Babylonian empire was defeated and a remnant did return to the land. God did fulfill His promise. However, more than that, God’s greater plan was fulfilled in a new covenant through Jesus Christ. Instead of laws being written on tablets, they are now written on our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 31:31–35). Instead of sacrifice after sacrifice, salvation came through Christ’s finished work on the cross and His resurrection. Instead of salvation only for the Jews, it is available for every person who calls upon the name of the Lord (Hebrews 8:6–13).
God is not just faithful to restore the fortunes of His people. His awesome ways include a greater hope in Christ in this life and for eternity.
Beyond restoring what we have lost, God gives salvation, redemption, and peace to all who are far and near.
Recall the losses and pain you have endured in the pandemic. Could God be using this for discipline and for your spiritual refinement? What is your response to the message of God’s promise through Jeremiah?
Do you believe God is our restorer? How could God be preparing you to receive a greater blessing from Him and to do greater work for Him? How can you seek Him with all your heart and hope in Him every day?
Lord, I believe You have a greater purpose in everything. I trust that You know the plans You have for me. I believe they are for my welfare, that You want to give me a future and hope. I declare my dependence on You. I look to You to restore what I have lost, but more than that, I look to You for my salvation and peace. I pray that You would restore, confirm, and establish me. By Your grace, I will seek You every day and see Your glorious plans unfold for my life, my family, my nation, and the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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About this Plan

At the start and middle of each year, we take time to pray and fast in order to humble ourselves before God, consecrate ourselves to Him, and corporately agree for breakthroughs. God’s awesome greatness is not only demonstrated by how big He is, but in His ability to humble Himself, come down to our level, and become small like us—even stooping lower to save and serve us.
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