Creatures of Habit Vzorec

Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments and discovered the people had created a golden calf that they were worshiping. Moses made the hard choice to destroy this idol by burning it and crushing it into a fine powder, which he poured water over, making a liquid that he forced the people to drink.
They had created this idol from their own gold and silver. Moses could have simply melted it down and given them their gold and silver back. But this act of idolatry was so offensive to God that Moses made the hard choice to even destroy their gold and silver.
There are times when an idol has such a grip on your life that you will need to make the hard decision to remove it altogether. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told men to gouge out their eye to destroy the idol of lust. He said it is better to lose a body part than to go to hell (Matt. 5:29). Now, he doesn’t literally want you to gouge out your eye, but he does want you to recognize what a serious problem idolatry can be in your life.
Do you need to make some hard choices in your life?
Have your friends pulled you away from God? Do you need to find some new friends?
Has social media become an idol? Do you need to close your account?
Has lust become an idol? Do you need a filter on your internet?
Has the accumulation of wealth become an idol? Do you need to downsize?
I don’t know what decision you need to make. But if this area of your life has become a bad habit and you can’t replace it with your love and devotion to God, then you need to make a hard choice.
Lord, I confess that I have turned to other things for strength and comfort. Please forgive me and help me keep my focus on my relationship with you. Amen.
About this Plan

Beloved Pastor Steve Poe helps Christians identify and break free from the destructive patterns that are keeping them from the joy-filled, flourishing life Jesus promised.