Division: A Study in 1 KingsVzorec

What does it say?
God’s prophet warned Jeroboam of coming judgment. On his route home, the prophet heeded the words of a deceitful prophet and disobeyed God’s instructions.
What does it mean?
As the decline of Israel continued, flagrant disregard for God’s laws seemed to accelerate. As He so often did, God raised up a voice to communicate His Words to His people. The man of God prophesied future destruction and reminded the people of a timeless principle: God does not tolerate disobedience from anyone, even kings and prophets. The death of the unnamed man of God demonstrates the serious nature of God’s expectation for His children: complete obedience. Even though he was deceived by the old prophet who claimed to have heard from an angel, the younger prophet was without excuse because he had received a direct word from the Lord.
How should I respond?
God’s expectation of complete obedience from His children remains the same today. Like the younger prophet, we also are without excuse because we have the unchanging, written Word of God. The path to obedience begins with the responsibility to read and understand God’s Word. How much time do you dedicate to studying Scripture in order to know the Lord’s commands? Is it a focused, daily exercise or something you do only as time allows? God has graciously communicated His Word to you. Take time to discover what it says and obediently put His instructions into practice.
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About this Plan

With the death of King David, Israel came under the leadership of Solomon. Although Solomon possessed incredible wealth and wisdom, his idolatry and unfaithfulness lead to derision and division in the kingdom. Despite Solomon and Israel's sinfulness, God continued to preserve the Davidic line in anticipation of the greater coming King, Jesus Christ.