Catching You: A 5-Day Plan to Creating a Life of Security and LoveVzorec

If we imagine that our ideal child will possess certain characteristics and passions and preferences and discover that they don’t possess any of them, we blind ourselves to the actual beauty that God has tucked within them, unable to see what God is so eager for us to discover and delight in. If we project an image onto our spouses of what a perfect partner looks like and they come up short, we deny them the opportunity to shine in the singular way that God created them to shine. If we envision that a good life must adhere to certain narrow and specific parameters, we miss out on all the wildness and wonder that is waiting for us.
Here is what we can expect from God: He will tell beautiful stories with our lives and take us on spectacular adventures. He will heal and transform us, and we will be astonished by our transformations. He will give our families unrepeatable, distinctive, and perfect identities because they were crafted for us and us alone. He will, through these things, overwhelm us with peace and a sense of rootedness. And he will never, not even for a moment, stop loving us.
We can expect these things.
But he doesn’t promise that it is always going to be easy. Or that he will protect us from pain. Or that he will not ask us to bend and change and adapt. Or that our lives will look as we expected them to. Honestly, life never does. Why? Because we don’t dream big enough dreams or desire with big enough passion or yearn with big enough longing.
But God does.
His dreams will astound us because he can see things we cannot. His desires will satisfy us into the depths of our beings because he knows better than we do the nature and root of our hungers. And he yearns to give us all these things simply because he loves us.
About this Plan

Hallie Lord understands the upheaval life can bring. Yet by digging into her faith and through much self-reflection, she realized that even though challenges had left her a bit battered and bruised, they had also equipped her for any difficulty that may arise.
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