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Discerning Prophecy And End-Time Signs Sample

Discerning Prophecy And End-Time Signs

DAY 5 OF 11

Applications of Biblical Prophecy

The prophecy in the Bible gives us revelation regarding three main groups: Israel, the church, and the world. If we were to exclude any of these three, prophecy would be incomplete. Let’s take a brief look at each area.


For almost two thousand years prior to twentieth century, the Jewish people were spread to all corners of the earth. However, in 1948, the State of Israel was established. Since then, millions of Jews have returned to the Holy Land to live in a nation situated on their ancient territory.

The reestablishment of the State of Israel was a phenomenon that had never before occurred in the history of the world: the descendants of a conquered people, scattered across the globe in a Diaspora over thousands of years, gathered in their former homeland and were constituted as a nation once more. Other countries of the world—a majority of the members of the United Nations—voted yes to this reconstitution. Unknowingly, they were voting for the fulfillment of a promise from God. What Ezekiel prophesied in chapters 36–37 of his book has been fulfilled.

In Matthew 24, Jesus spoke about the fig tree, a symbol of the nation of Israel: “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!” (Matthew 24:32–33). Israel is the fig tree and the apple of God’s eye. For two thousand years, people had said, “Israel is finished.” But then the prophecies were fulfilled, and the nation came back to life. God has a plan for both Israel and the church. He made covenantal promises to Israel, and those promises are as valid today as they were thousands of years ago.

You and I are living during a period when biblical end-time prophecies about Israel are being fulfilled. This is the privilege God has given our generation. And there are more prophesies yet to be fulfilled, including ones about the Jews recognizing Jesus as their true Messiah.

The Church of Jesus Christ

Biblical prophecies about the church include predictions of persecution, apostasy, and the faithfulness of God’s remnant. We have seen more prophecies regarding the church fulfilled in the last century than ever before. Some prophecies that have to do with the persecution of the church were fulfilled during the Middle Ages, but others are still being fulfilled today in countries where Christianity is outlawed or ostracized. (See, for example, Matthew 24:9–10.)

At the same time, especially in the West, the church is going through one of its biggest times of apostasy, as predicted. (See, for example, 1 Timothy 4:1.) We are seeing a departure from the faith and from the ministry of the Holy Spirit that is quite alarming. Significant portions of the church are ignoring or renouncing the supernatural and the full efficacy of the cross. The church has moved away from the priesthood of believers, prayer, worship, and fasting. Instead, for many congregations, church has become merely a social club. Some people may try to help their communities and the world, but they are attempting to do so without the power of the cross and God’s Spirit. 

Yet there is a remnant of Christians who wholeheartedly embrace the Holy Spirit and all that God desires to pour out upon His people. We see a reference to this faithful remnant in the book of Revelation, which repeats the phrase “he who overcomes.” (See, for example, Revelation 2:7; 3:5; 21:7.)

Our generation is on the verge of seeing the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the greatest revival in history. The remnant church is about to enter into the glory of God. This remnant will complete its spiritual cycle when the bride of Christ is taken up by her Bridegroom, Jesus. 

In these days, the Lord wants to reveal Himself more fully to the church, and that is why He is bringing manifestations of His glory. Only when we dwell in His glory will we stop looking to human beings for our strength and help, and look to Him instead. The Holy Spirit is disclosing more spiritual understanding about God’s elect than ever before. It is only through the revelation of the Spirit of God that we will see what no eye has seen and hear what no ear has heard! (See 1 Corinthians 2:9–10.)

The World

End-time prophecies about the world include predictions of widespread confusion and an increase in learning. When Jesus talked about the signs of the end times, He included the sign of “perplexity” or bewilderment: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21:25). This means the people of the world will not know what to do about the troubles they experience globally and in their communities.

Furthermore, in the book of Daniel, we read, “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase” (Daniel 12:4). Since the beginning of the twentieth century, mankind has made great advances in science, technology, and medicine. But even with all this acquired knowledge, human beings are confounded by dire issues for which there seem to be no answers. The world is perplexed by problems such as natural disasters; environmental distress; diseases, illnesses, and plagues; corrupt governments; divisive politics; and economic unpredictability. Additionally, people are worried about ongoing security issues, such as political instability in the Middle East and the threat of terrorist attacks. Individuals also struggle with perplexity in their personal lives.

Why has God allowed a spirit of confusion to operate on earth amid all our advanced human knowledge? It is because human beings must understand that, without God, His Word, and His Spirit, we cannot find the answers to the great problems confronting our generation. 

I have concluded that the only time people become serious with God is when they are going through a crisis. Our world is clearly facing the types of crises for which there is no way out, humanly speaking. Only God has the answers. Just as the solutions to our individual problems will come by revelation from God’s Spirit, the answers to humanity’s perplexities will come by revelation.

As a church, we must be ready to receive and pass along God’s revelation to resolve these perplexities. In order to do this, we must return to the basics of truth, faith, the supernatural, the cross, the resurrection, the power of God, the blood of Christ, and other potent spiritual realities God has revealed in His Word. This is the only way we can stand firm as the faithful remnant, ministering to the world while preparing the way for the second coming of Christ.

In Day 6, we will explore the significance of “the fullness of the times.”

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About this Plan

Discerning Prophecy And End-Time Signs

Christians have various interpretations of the end times. Yet all believers have the hope of Christ’s return, and we are called to discern the times and anticipate His coming. This plan will help you recognize the spiritual season we are living in. This is not a time to sit on the sidelines. We need to understand biblical prophecy, identify end-times signs, and prepare for God’s final plans for the earth.
