
Jesus Showed Us What Joy Looks Like
Most of us want to find happiness and avoid pain. And while there’s nothing wrong with being happy, our deepest calling isn’t to be happy. It’s to become holy—set apart for God. So while it’s tempting to crave happiness, Jesus promises something better. In Jesus, we can find true joy.
Let’s spot the difference:
Happiness is a moving target.
Joy is a constant choice.
Happiness depends on external circumstances.
Joy comes from internal peace.
Happiness is a feeling.
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit.
Happiness says it’s all about me.
Joy says it’s about the Spirit living inside of me.
Happiness says pain is a problem to avoid.
Joy says pain has a higher purpose.
Happiness says I’ll be okay when things change for the better.
Joy stays because God never changes.
If we’re seeking out a happy, trouble-free life, we’ll be sorely disappointed. But we can find true joy in Jesus.
Joy doesn’t mean the absence of pain. It means that pain and joy can coexist. It’s not that joy causes our problems to go away. It’s that joy gives our pain a new perspective.
Just think about all the times Scripture talks about joy in light of a difficult circumstance—not in spite of it:
… And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. Romans 5:3 NLT
… when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. James 1:2 NLT
When we’re struggling to find joy, we can look to Jesus. He experienced hardship just as we do. But He willingly endured the pain because He knew the joy of His purpose.
When we go through trials, we get to count them as joy because of the way we’ll get to know God, rely on God, trust God, and grow in a deeper intimacy with God. It doesn’t mean we can’t or won’t feel pain, sadness, or anger. But it does mean we can experience both great joy and incredible pain all at once because of the constant hope and joy we have in Jesus.
Pray: Jesus, thank You for giving us joy and modeling what it looks like. Help me to consider the joy in every problem and trial I face—even when it’s challenging. Help me look to You, enduring pain for the joy of my purpose. I trust You. Give me endurance, strength, and joy as I go throughout my day, and thank You for promising to be with me no matter what. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.