Hurt by Christians: 8 Days to Bring Healing and HopeVzorec

Hurt by Christians: 8 Days to Bring Healing and Hope

DAY 1 OF 8

From Hurt to Hope

If you have been going to church for any amount of time, the chances are high that you have seen or participated in fighting, bickering, gossip, poor attitudes, and even seen people leaving the church over these issues. You have probably seen taken part in cliques, knowingly or unknowingly shunning someone by not greeting or acknowledging them. You may have seen a pastor or someone in church leadership acting in a way that is contrary to how a “good Christian” or someone in authority should act. You may have also seen someone in authority in the church completely misuse their position for their personal gain or sinful pleasures. 

The hurt someone faces when they have a conflict with a fellow Christian can sting even more than the same conflict with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Why? It is easy to have high expectations of Christians, putting them on a level of perfection that only Jesus can obtain. 

The result of such hurt can lead to damaged relationships, loss of church members, loss of relationship with God, someone choosing never to go to church again, and even closure of a church completely. I’ve been witness to most of these, including the last one, and they are painful when you experience them. They may make you question your faith and put walls up that keep people out in order to not be hurt again.

Our verses today give guidance on how we should forgive one another as Christ forgave us. We are called to be the peacemakers. Notice this is not referring to the other party or parties involved. We are only accountable for our personal actions.

The goal of this Bible plan is to bring healing to circumstances where you may have been hurt by other Christians. It is also designed to prepare you for future conflict, standing firm in your faith, while also showing the love of Christ in all you do. 

Tomorrow we will look at how conflicts in the church is not a 21st century issue.

What negative situations with other Christians have you experienced or seen others experience? 

What was your reaction to these situations as they were happening? 

Dan 2

About this Plan

Hurt by Christians: 8 Days to Bring Healing and Hope

More than likely you have seen or experienced conflict among Christians, even to the point of people leaving the church. It's not pleasant to be confronted by Christians who don't act like the Jesus they serve. But what if living in this tension was what God intended? How do we respond with grace and forgiveness when we are hurt by Christians?
