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The World Needs You: Walk In Your CallingSample

The World Needs You: Walk In Your Calling

DAY 8 OF 8

Receive… and Share

YOU were created for a purpose; YOU have been gifted like no other on the planet; YOU were created for such a time as this!

ASK God for guidance and wisdom, and you will receive it. LOVE Him with all that you are… heart, soul, mind, and strength. FAN INTO FLAME your gifts and talents. GIVE yourself to others. INVEST in relationships; they’re a mess worth making. TAKE NOTHING, but RECEIVE all He gives. REST in Him and His provision for you.

Abundance or Scarcity

Do you give out of abundance or hold on out of scarcity? All that you have is a gift from the storehouses of God; and there is more than you can imagine where that came from.

God has given it to you to bless you and others. Give generously; bless others; God will replenish your stores.


Share your story.
Share your experience.
Share your talents.
Share your gifts.
Share your strength.
Share your obvious.
Share your unexpected.
Share your words.
Share your thoughts.
Share your food.
Share your time.
Share your heart. 


It's all a gift anyway.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17

Share out of the abundance that has been bestowed on you by our gracious God, and do good.

Thank You

I hope this reading plan has been a blessing to you and helped you fall more deeply in love with our Savior, who created you as a gift to the world, and wants you to give yourself away for His sake.

Please follow jbhoward on Instagram for the latest devotional posts.

Dan 7

About this Plan

The World Needs You: Walk In Your Calling

There is no insignificant part of the body. Every limb, organ, blood vessel, and cell has its purpose and serves the God who made them. Likewise, everyone created in God's image has a purpose and was created for such a time as this.
