God’s Word For Times Like TheseVzorec

…Yahweh’s rescuing act is a restoration… the metaphor of healing has a public dimension in which Yahweh can restore the well-being of a wounded city or people.
W Brueggemann, Theology of the Old Testament
King Solomon and Israel have just dedicated the new temple to God and then God speaks to Solomon. He tells him that, when the difficult times come (including plague), there is a process for the people to receive God’s healing: be humble, pray, seek, turn, hear, forgive – then healing will come. It’s a combination of dependence on God and action.
Like Solomon, we can demonstrate to people this act of total dependence on God. For if we turn to God, He will heal.
With your family
In the Bible reading today, God reminds us of what we are to do when faced with challenging times (verse 14).
Our Part: pray, seek and turn
God’s Promise: hear, forgive and heal
Can you make up some simple hand or body actions to go with each of these action words?
Divide your family members into two groups and demonstrate to each other. Then swap.
Read together the great promise that God gives us in verse 15
My eyes will be open and my ears attentive.
Use 2 sheets of paper. Find some materials in your home that could be used to create a large ‘eye’ on one sheet and a large ‘ear’ on the other e.g. pasta, leaves, string, buttons, etc.
As you create these together, talk about what you think God is hearing and seeing today in your community and in the world. Some will be positive. Some will be sad.
Display your creations on your wall as a reminder of God’s caring presence.
Lord, we humble ourselves and call on You. Hear us. Heal us, we pray. Amen.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

‘God’s Word For Times Like These’ is a series of ten inspirational Bible reading notes from Scripture Union International, written to encourage families as the world faces the coronavirus pandemic.
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