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Kingdom Prayers Sample

Kingdom Prayers

DAY 25 OF 30

Glorious Savior, You are my life, hope, joy, peace, treasure, glory, and end. Conform me to Your character, will, and ways so I might be a tool in Your hands to bless those around me. Send me where You will, guiding my steps and actions to be an instrument of blessing to serve others. Delight in my love.

Let me reflect the heavenly glow so purely that I burn with Your presence, shedding light in the darkness. May I inspire greater dedication in Your children and create a hunger to know You among those who have yet to follow You. Let me be an example that brings honor to Your Name. Advance the work of remaking me in Your image.

Sanctified Senses 

Lord, give me new senses to perceive Kingdom realities. You have given me new life. Let me live that life with full engagement each day. Let me not wait until the new heavens and new earth are revealed to experience the fullness of the abundant life.

Give me ears to hear Your voice guiding my ways and speaking to my heart as I navigate through each day. Give me eyes to see Your activity all around me, the needs You desire to meet, and the gaps You intend for me to fill so that Your will might be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven. Give me a nose that discerns both the aroma of Your work and the stench of the spirit of the world, so that I might always align with You and carry Your sweet fragrance wherever I go. Give me a tongue that desires to feed on Your every word and eschews the deceptive communications of the enemy. Give me a body that feels the impulse of Your pursuits and recognizes the import of Your touch as You commune with Your church to influence the rest of creation.

Let all these sources of input help me discern Your will with alacrity. May they continually shape my soul and my spirit after Your image and desire. Grant that I may thereby live more and more by faith rather than by my physical senses. At the same time, use my spiritual senses to strengthen my hope for our final redemption. Let me be yielded wholly to a life consumed by Your love and character rather than lesser concerns for temporary issues. May the obedience of my heart, soul, mind, and strength be expressed in a life submitted entirely to You.

Grant that my existence may therefore result in glory to You and delight to Your heart.

Dan 24Dan 26

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Kingdom Prayers

We all know how important and powerful prayer is. The disciples didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to preach, they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Prayer changes things and Jesus was always praying. Let's be like Jesus and learn how to pray Kingdom Prayers.
