How To Have God IdeasVzorec

How to Start Having God Ideas: Part 3
Listen to the Holy Spirit
One of the best ways to know what God is thinking is to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. I left this point till last because you’ve got to first know Him before you can know what He sounds like.
There is teaching out there that the only way God speaks nowadays is through the Bible; however, I believe we can know for certain the Holy Spirit still speaks today. The way we know this is simple: The Bible says He does.
If you are a believer in Jesus, you’ve heard the Holy Spirit’s voice before. Really? When? The gospel is the truth of God that brings salvation, and 1 Corinthians chapter 2 tells us that we cannot accept the things of God in our natural state. Thankfully, the Spirit of God makes the truth of the gospel known by revealing it to us in our hearts.
I believe as Christians we often belittle the importance of simply waiting on and listening to the Holy Spirit, but listening is a critical part of every relationship. We talk about having a personal relationship with God, but a personal relationship involves two-way communication. Yes, God has given us His perfect, unchanging Word full of His truth, but I believe He also desires us to hear from Him on another level—after all, He desires a personal relationship and not just a contractual one.
Have you ever needed an answer to a specific question that the Bible simply doesn’t cover? You can always apply principles from the Bible, but sometimes the only way to know what God thinks about your current situation is to receive a specific, personal word from the Holy Spirit. And we can then test those words by making sure they line up with God’s Word.
If God is going to be able to lead you in a specific direction, similar to the way He led the Apostle Paul, then you’ve got to learn to hear His voice. My hope is that you want to start having God ideas, and not just good ideas. The Holy Spirit wants to be the one speaking those ideas into your heart.
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While making an important decision, have you ever wished you could hear directly from God? The truth is, God wants to give us ideas, plans, and dreams to help us follow the best paths for our lives. Over the next 5 days, you will learn to think in line with your Creator. Don’t base your life on just good ideas. Learn to hear and recognize God ideas.