Daily Bible Reading — Sustained by God’s Word of PromiseVzorec

July 2
Hannah gives birth to a son and names him Samuel which, in Hebrew, means “name of God” and in today’s reading is related to the Hebrew verb for “ask.” After Samuel has been weaned, Hannah brings him to Shiloh to be dedicated to the LORD, in fulfillment of the promise she had made.
Today’s Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:28 (GNT)
[Hannah said:] “I am dedicating him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he will belong to the LORD.”
Today’s Reading
1 Samuel 1:19-28
As a sign of dedication to the LORD, Hannah promised that her son’s hair would never be cut (1:11). This was in keeping with a vow to being dedicated as a nazirite, a word in Hebrew that means “to separate.” Nazirites were people who dedicated themselves to being ritually clean and serving God (See Numbers 6:1-8). You may recall the story of Samson in Judges 16, from the reading on May 25, who confessed to Delilah that his hair had never been cut because he had been dedicated to God as a nazirite.) Imagine yourself in Hannah’s place. What thoughts might she have had when relinquishing her long-awaited child to serve God?
Faithful and loving God, I dedicate myself to worshiping and praising you for all your blessings to me. Order my steps this day so that all I do and say is pleasing in Your sight. In Your Holy Name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer Concern
Newborn babies
Tomorrow’s Reading
1 Samuel 2:1-11: Hannah offers a prayer of thanksgiving.
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About this Plan

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with the Bible. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “Sustained by God’s Word of Promise.”
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