Brave: Experiencing God In The WaitingVzorec

When you think about your season of singleness, do you see joy? Do you delight in the fact that you are single? I will be honest and say that was easier said than done. Some days it took all I could muster to just get out of bed and put a smile on my face. My future felt dark. I couldn't see the things that I craved in my future at all, and it was so discouraging. When I looked around and saw couples, it only brought the pain of what I thought I was missing. Surely, I would be joyful when I was in a relationship. That lie became my belief.
The enemy planted that lie in me and told me over and over again that I was nothing without someone. And I began to believe it when the days turned to months, turned to years. That was when I realized that I couldn't live like this anymore. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to feel joy again. Why couldn't I be happy right where I was?
It was in that moment that I decided I would choose happiness because I was single. It was like the Lord whispered to me in that moment, “I have so much more for you”. He has taught me that instead of hunkering down and weathering the storm, I was to flourish through the storm, and that is what he has called you to do as well.
Somedays will be harder than others, but when you choose to walk in a close relationship with the Lord those hard days will be just that, days. When I feel the discouragement building up again, I stop what I am doing, and I pray. I pray for strength to flourish in the storm and that joy and peace would calm my racing heart. He hears us when we pray. He listens, and He is with us. Are you ready to see your season of singleness as a new adventure to experience joy?
I encourage you to take a walk, or go sit by yourself somewhere quiet. Think about the joy that comes from the Father. Do you have that joy? When you are ready begin communing with God. Tell Him that you are tired of living discouraged. Ask Him to show you how to look for the joy. Open up His Word and be refreshed.
“We must trust that God will provide when it is in His will and in His timing. Until then we must remain joyful, free from anger and jealousy, trusting that our Lord is in control.” -Amy Groeschel
“I am sure that God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait.” -CS Lewis
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Being in a season of waiting can feel overwhelming and purposeless. However, because of Gods love we can find bravery, courage and hope in the midst of it all. You can discover that the wait has a divine purpose. When you lay it all down and surrender, you learn that you are braver than what you once thought you were.