Faith - Can Mine Move Mountains? - Disciple Makers Series #16Vzorec

Drawing out faith - Great faith
Thoughts on the message
How do we respond when God is silent?
The disciples assumed silence meant disapproval – or at least indifference. So they told the woman to go away – Jesus does not have time for you.
The woman saw silence as a barrier she had to push through. So she kept asking.
Jesus revealed silence was a way to draw out faith. Great faith.
When God is silent, do we listen to voices that question our right to hear from God, speak doubt, speak opposition – do we press in to God? It depends on whether we believe God will hear and answer our prayers or not. If we do, we press in. If we do not, then God’s silence exposes our limited level of faith. Note – faith is not defined by the type of answer God gives (sometimes the answer is no!), but rather whether we press in to get an answer from God when He is silent.
How do you respond?
Father, I am an impatient person. I struggle with waiting. I question whether You are listening at times. How long before I see that my faith is not defined by the answers I get, but defined instead by my willingness to press in when I face difficulties – or silence? My belief, that You are a good God who will release good things to His children – even if it takes time for You to answer? So today I willingly wait. Today I just press in. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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About this Plan

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 16 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. This portion talks about faith, and in many different ways. Watch how faith gets challenged, stretched, refined and exposed – then ask whether our faith matches theirs!
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