Luk 16

Hale elc lia tobeki heko telelele, helo ifeli le
1Tisase helo tukumo telc liouko ifeli le fei fa tc úko baeko tele. "Lio lokono somo, tobeki ae, heleale ae fa. Helo tobeki heleale hekaeko telc lia somo fa. To tobeki ae fa lia le taole teko lelele. 'Neno tobeki heleale fako hábomo hekaeko tekeyo. To mome, lilikofi uwoko e eme, neno memeta helele toko.' 2To tobeki ae fa lia le taole teko leleoko, helo tobeki hekaeko telc liako tc ko boanele. Ko boanewo towono bowo tc kole. 'Yo le taole teko lelemali, no yowo heleale emiele mome lilikofi e emi. Sei, no feniko, yowo heleale tobeki aloo nenekaenini ame se, toko fe hé bo abo. No kimo yowo heleale tobeki hcbc hekaeko teikemino, nabeo nabeo you!'
3"Heleale hekaeko telc lia helo nawele le leleoko tc bofio fele. Feoko, tei tu mukuno tc likamokale. 'Nawe yoko bc klikoukeme, helo heleale hekaelele, tekota yo halekoko eiko? Yo ya sekaelelele hale, yo hekeke fakeya lia. Hcbc einono. Wó, falu elelele wanowo fato, yo eiyo bc eikomo, to wanowoko.' 4Teko koeoko helo muku likamokeoko, mono somo tc ofoale. Teko tc kale. 'Hale yowo ka mena héneko klikoukemeto, liou fei yoko nane eleko, yoko "Wiao" kaleko helo imo ékea fe oloko! Teko oloko tekota beli klikokeyono mono kukukaikomo.' 5Muku teko likamoko kukukeoko, somo somo tobeki ae fa liako wesiowe nani eikoko neelokoko, toko ko boane ele. Imasiou liako ko boanele. Bowo, hekaeko telc lia toko tc leletiale. 'Neno wesiowe nani naweko eikoko neelelele, to halekososowo?' 6Kawo tc kale. 'Yoto, haole kai 100-bela.' Kawo tc kale. 'Sei! No neno ame se héniko kekeateko tekafeo nene akomo, 50-bela. Teko nene.' 7Wó, fei liako tc ko boanele. Bowo tc leletiale. 'Neno wesiowe nani naweko eikoko neelelele, to halekososowo?' Kawo tc kale. 'Yoto, witi si bolo bulc ikeino lisikaelc 100-bela.' Kawo wesiowe tc kole. 'Neno ame se héniko, tekafeo nene, 80-bela. Teko nene.' Tobeki hekaeko telc liato, wesiowe nani fa liouko teko ukoule, oweoko neelokoko, tobeki ae fa liako.
8"Heleale hekaeko telc lia wowalee eleto, helo nawe leleoko tc kale. 'No yowo heleale hábomo hekaeko tekeyo tekokolc, to nenei tu muku fikohlakeao wenenolo hábomo you likamokae kukukami, nenei tuoko hábomo heko teinokoko.' To liale hí teko tc hé tole." Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yowo le helo tibu, to tekoko. Meloule ya mena liou, wanowo sosowono elc liouto kukukae e ebeto, muku fikohlakeaolo kukukae e ebe. To muku fikohlakeao wanowo ya mena liou e ebeto, weno tebe. To wanowoto, héfono hóólc lioule helo muku fikohlakeao wanowoko iyo tekio fe húó ebe."
9Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko teko kaikomo, nobo teko elo. Tobeki heleale wowalee wanowolo lilc, tolo uukou elo, liou nobo wiao bobowálokoko. Kimo, heleale tobeki wowalee wanowolo lilc, to bc fe ncnabeowéabekebelc, nenelito, tekomo komo telelelemo feikemito, to liou neleko naneleko lakene fa tc ko boaneabekebe 'Séko bo!'
10"Keli lia, heleale lokouwóko somo somo hábomo hekaeko teikemeto, heleale ae welie fato, to lia hábomo bc hekaeko teikekeme. Wó fei, keli lia, heleale somo somo ókasosowo wanowolo hekaeko tekeyo eikemeto, heleale ae fato, wanowo, wowalee wanowolo bc hekaeko teikekeme. 11Teko fe teme tekota no tobeki heleale wowalee wanowolo lilc toko hábomo hekaeko tekeyo eikemito, Koto helo heleale you fato, neno kamo hcbc likoyaikemeno, toko hekaeko tonokoko. Hcbeleno. 12Wó fei, no fei liale heleale hábomo hekaeko tekeyo eikemito, nenei tuele keli neeno, tc hekaeko teikemiko? Nabeo nabeo you."
Mome hale elc lia somo, weliweli himolc helo hale elelekeyo
13Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Mome hale elc lia somo, weliweli weno himolc helo tukumo hábomo hcbc teikemeno. To tekoko. Weliweli himolc helo tukumo teikemeto, somoko, muku ae eikekeme. Wó feiko, halio biowale eikekeme. Wó fei tekoko. Somoto, helo tuku tuku youmo teikekeme. Wó feiko, halekamo seaikekeme. Tekoko tibuno, himolc helo mome hale hcbc eikemeno. Yana tobeki nobo welifle weno lowane héketeikemeto, to Koto himeli nobo weliweli weno somomo hcbc teabeno, to weliweli himolc helo hale hábomo eamukoko."
Tisase le himolc ko fuanele, ifei le, Koto liouko hekaeko telelele le fafuo
14Tisase, ya mena heleale, tobeki, tekoko le úwo, Falisi liou fato helo le tc lelelele. To liou, tobeki heleale muku komo elele. Teko elele tekota to le emiele leleleko, halio biowale you eleko, Tisasele leko tc wleleko telele.
15Teko olo, Tisase tc kole. "Noboto liouko teko ko ko omu 'Olelito, ókasosowo liou!' Teko ko ko omu, liou fei nobo hí hé tolokoko. Teko e omulc, Koto nobo mukuno le fato, weneno fa. To weneno fa, tekota memeta helele wanowo nobo e omuto, ya mena liou nanebeto, 'To yeketafi you, ókasosowo you!' kabeto, Kototo, tekoko wanowo nobo mukuno le fafuoko nanemeko, halio biowale biowale you tc e eme.
16"Mosese nenele ifei le, Kotole le ko fuanelc liou úlelele le, tekoko le tc ú bae ú bae e feko e feko e feko, Tiono teleta teno tc fe ílialele. Wó helo kimo, Koto lioule welifle weno teneko hekaeko telelele le, to lakene elelele le tc ú bae ú bae eko tebi. Liou emiele, to leko leleleko, neiyomo hekekemo e ebe. Kotole tukumo seséwó bo teabikoko hekekemo tc e e ebe.
17"Teko fe temelc, teko molalekeamu. 'Mosese nenele ifei le bc fe ncnabeoyame tane.' Ei, teko molalekeamu! Ya úwo fafuo, ncnabeowólelele efeolckeyo. Sosowo fe ncnabeowéabekebe tekokolc, Mosese nenele ifei le, helo nene emiele komo emiele halekoko? Helo fio lokouwono somo hcbc fe ncnabeoyaikemeno. Sosowokeyo, efeolc efeolc you."
Tisase lio lokono eloko bofuyolelele, helo le kale
(Matiu 5.31-32, Matiu 19.9, Mak 10.11-12)
18Tisase teko kouoko, le fei tc koule. "Lia eloko klikoneko, feiko nefeikemeto, to iweni wanowo eikekeme. Wó, lia klikoukeme elo. Fei lia to eloko nefeikeme fato, to fato iweni wanowo eikekeme." Tisase teko koule.
Tobeki ae fa lia, Lasalusu himo helo le
19Tisase le úoko, le fei tc koule. "Belimo lio lokono somo, heleale, tobeki ae fa lia. Heleale mali you, osusuko ele, mene hnini se lowane. Beseta you. To tobeki ae fa lia, heleale mali you hchalekae eoko, be ae fa be be eoko, yeketafi you, hábomo you tc te te ele. 20-21Wó, lio lokono somo fei, helo hí, Lasalusu. To lia meta helele fakeya, mome faki lia tele. Helo loo emieleto, mei komo. So toko bo eleko, tc hihikabekae elele, mei helo wi toko. Lasalusuko tc hé hé bo yo elele, tobeki fa lia helo amafu wenebiti tino. Helo muku ae tekoko 'To tobeki ae fa lia helo be be be e eme, be likolele seyau helo tukumo be hle wleabeto, yo toko liko beiko.' Teko molalekalelc.
22"Wó kimo, faki lia tc onuale. Faki lia onuawo, ésolo liou bo ékea tolele, Eblahame moso. Wó, to tobeki ae fa lia fato tc onuale. Onuawo, yamo tc see yalele. 23Yamo see yalo, limae liou biowale helo saomo tc fe tele. Loo bo ae, tc li li eko tele. Loo bo ae fa teoko, eikato nanele, 'Woso, Eblahame welina you bato teme, Lasalusu fato. Himo somomo tebe.' 24Eikato lalouoko tc iyeeko heliale. 'Hau Eblahame! No yoko mome mumukuyaniko tc uke! Lasalusuko ko weo. Boneko, helo ka mene wino leiyaneko yowo haneno bo yanoko, leblianokoko. Yo mome leletiakeyo. Yo loo bo ae fa, elele malito!'
25"Teko kalelc, Eblahame tc kale. 'Lokono, no eikoko molaleko! No yamo mene toto teninita, memeta helele heleale mcmali you bc li li enini. Lasalusuto, biowale komo li li ele. Tekota, melou Lasalusu cno temeto, heleale yeketafi you li li eme, helo halio osowo teinokoko. Nenelito, biowale biowale youmo, loo bo ae eko temi. 26Wó to komokeyo. Fei tekoko. Há wiwelikale ae ke ke youmo, Koto teli yale, cna nobo moso felaikoko. Wó, fei no moso mena o moso bolabekoko, Koto teli to há tc yale. Nonomono wábuno yale, mono kékounokoko.'
27"Kawo tc konale. 'Hano Hau, teko fe temeto, no Lasalusuko sosowo ko weaikemiko, yowo aeyele imo? 28Yo mome kakeyo, tibu fa. Yowo tekeiabome katilc tebe. Lasalusu feneko, fe koteiyunoko, elele fiomo bolabekoko! Elele saoto, loo bo ae te te eme sao, biowale biowale you! Tekota cno bolabe!'
29"Kawo, Eblahame wesiowe tc kale. 'To Mosese helo le fa, le ko fuanelc lioule le fa, toko lele oloko.'
30"Kawo tc kale. "Hano Hau! Toko hcbc leleabeno. No Lasalusuko ko weo! Onuolc lia somo feneko tc fe ú baeikemeto, to liale le leleleko, helo muku bc heafieabekebe.'
31"Kawo tc kale. 'To hcbc leleabeno. Mosese helo le, Kotole le ko fuanelc liou helo le lelekeyo eabeto, limae lioule sao mena somo selineko fe fekolabou eikeme fato, to liou helo le hcbc leleabeno.' Eblahame teko kale." Tisase liouko teko koule.

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