Matthew 3
Foloy We Yael Johannes Baptista
(Mark 1:1–8; Luke 3:1–18; John 1:19–28)
1Irel yodla ngo Johannes Baptista yesa budoh solbos le ye tolmay loh mo woal Judea sa chapiy yal foloy. 2Ye sor bo, “Ha tagul tang molfidmi, bo mala Lamliyel Laeng ila sa harep!”#Mt 4:17; Mk 1:15 3Johannes molwe profeta Isaiah ye kekapta kofal irel yodwe ye sor bo,
“Ye tetawul semal mo lobosla ye tolmay loh le ye sor bo,
‘Ha hafle sew yalap bo yalepal Samol;
ha hawwele mala yalepal!’”#Is 40:3 (LXX)
4Mekla mengagul Johannes ila ye ffaor mo irel yulol kameng ngo ye tertar gil karbow ngo mekla ma mongoy ila malhawael#3:4 malhawael: ila semat mael. me honey. #3:4 honey: luchfaes le foriyel bees we semat mael le ma faor mokwe ye cchaelgar le ye wochog luchfaes.#2 K 1:8 5Yarmat resa budoh irel, le re budoh mo Jerusalem mo mekla faluyel Judea mo pangal fulu kala ye harpa mololul we Jordan. 6Resa budoh sor mekla molfidir ngo re baptismus mo irel Johannes mo lal mololul we Jordan.
7Yodwe Johannes yela wiri we sa cholop Pharisees mo Sadducees le resa budoh irel bo rebe baptismus ngo sa kangalur bo, “Hami parchoyoh kala, itey le ye kangalugmi le be yoh le habe kewag tang hagerger la Deus be fang?#Mt 12:34; 23:33 8Ha foru tot formel le be kaweraloh le hasa tagul tang mekla molfidmi. 9Ha towe luluwaley le be yoh le habe kewag tang hagerger la igle habe sor bo Abraham ila chapdohmi. Iy be kangalugmi le Deus ila be yoh le yebe hasi feas ka sa foru bo yarmetal daola yael Abraham!#Jn 8:33 10Sew tomiyom ila sa fel le yebe supiloh mo wol bol pangal ire kala tor uwal bo be pepedah wulyef.#Mt 7:19 11Ngang iy baptismusgilugmi ngal chael yebe kaweraloh le sa rrig lal dipmi irel molfidmi, iwe ngo yeramtala bela budoh mo wol miriy ila be baptismusgilugmi irel Espritu Santus mo yaef. Iwe ngo iy ila ye tagiyet mo imoy; Ngang ila iy totol bo bwela kala yal mwo ngo ye tafel le iy be hasi. 12Yesa fel lital yengang kala yal le yema hayagi uwal milay la yal iyang. Yesa hasi ikla ye moway sa yetolong yilim, ngo ye hasi ikla tayikof sa fisgi wol yaef la tema gul.”
Johannes Ye Baptismusgili Jesus
(Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–22)
13Irel yodla ngo Jesus sa chuy mo Galilee sa budoh irel Johannes irel mololul we Jordan bo Johannes yebe baptismusgili. 14Iwe ngo Johannes ye luwaley bo be liwel yael Jesus luluwal. Johannes sa kangalu bo, “Ngang mele ibe baptismus mo irem, ngo gel ho sala budoh irey!”
15Iwe ngo Jesus sa hatefali ngo sa sor bo, “Si bele foru mwo iye igla. Sibe foru le be iye sengal ila ngo siya foru pangal mekla Deus ye dipli.” Iwe Johannes sa moch dipli.
16Yodwe chog Jesus ye baptismus, ngo yesa bidah mo lal mololul we. Iwe ngo laeng sa sugeg ngali, ngo sala wiri Espritu Santus we yael Deus le sa bidiy le ye wochog semal dove. #3:16 dove: Semat mael yeyal le ye wochog gigi. 17Iwe ngo resa rongrong mele le ye bidiy mo wol laeng, “Iye mele layi, le iy hartal hachangi.”#Gn 22:2; Ps 2:7; Is 42:1; Mt 12:18; 17:5; Mk 1:11; Lk 9:35
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