John 1
Ebangelium We Tefayel
Hapatpat We Ma Fang Molow
1Imol mala be sub faileng le ngo sa faesul mel Hapatpat la ye mel irel Deus, ngo iy ye hafedeg ngal chog Deus. 2Irel mala chapdagel dah chog ngo Hapatpat la ila ye faesul mel irel Deus. 3Deus ye hasubu pangal formel mo iyang; tor sew meka ye subdoh le iy ye tamel iyang. 4Iy Hapatpat le mele chapil molow. Iwe ngo molow mele ye hasi ngalir yarmat teram. 5Teram ila ma werloh luwul rochupung. Iwe ngo luwul rochupung tema yoh le be hachuya teram.
6Deus ye fangdoh re hagloy la yal, le semal mal le Johannes idal.#Mt 3:1; Mk 1:4; Lk 3:1–2 7Johannes ye budoh be kangalur yarmat kofal teram le bo panger rechokla rebe rongrong hapatpat le ngo rebe chepar. 8Johannes ila te iy mele teram; iy ye budoh bo be kapta kofal iy teram la. 9Iye teram we ye katos we ye budoh lal faileng le yebe werloh uwor panger yarmat.
10Hapatpat la sa mel lal faileng le, ila Deus ye foru faileng mo iyang, ngo hapatpat la ila ye tagel ngalir re faileng. 11Ye budoh wol mala faluyal ngo mekla yarmetal faluyal re tagul tangi. 12Iwe ngo rechokwe re dipli mala ye budoh irer ngo re chepar ngali, ila iy ye fang kkeler bo rebe mel bo lol Deus. 13Resa mel bo Lol Deus le te wochochog yar la mel bo lol yarmat le rela subdoh ngo yarmat mele temer; bo ir ila re faesul mel le Deus mele Temer.
14Pedal Hapatpat le ila yesa mel bo yarmat le ye ssogol haradiya mo katos iwe sa budoh mel luwuluch. Siya wiri falmay la yal le mala Tamal ye fang ngali bo mil mala iy chog Lol.
15Johannes ye kapta kofal we ye tawulaglii we ye sor bo, “Iye yeramtawe ikekapta kofal, we isor bo, ‘Yebe hamirdoh mo wol miriy ngo ye tagiyet mo imoy bo iy ila ye faesul mel mo imol yodwe ngang isubdoh iyang.’”
16Yesa cholop yal holbuwagich pangachloh irel haradiya la yal le ye paleng. 17Deus ye fang Hatobtob we ngal Moses bo be yebe hadayu ngalgich. Iwe ngo haradiya mo katos ila Jesus Kristus mele ye fang ngalgich. 18Ted yor mwo semal le ye wiri Deus. Mala chog Lol le ye hafedeg ngal Deus ngo ye mel irel mala Temal, mele ye haglal ngalir yarmat Deus.
Mokwe Johannes Baptista Ye Kapta
(Matthew 3:1–12; Mark 1:1–8; Luke 3:1–18)
19Tamol kowe yar Jews woal Jerusalem re fangloh tot temarong mo tot Levites irel Johannes bo re bela kasiya hare iy itey.
20Johannes ye mechal hatefaeli kasiy we yar. Ye hamdefar luwul yarmat le ye sor bo: “Te ngang Kristus.”
21Iwe resa kasiy, “Ila ngo gel itey? Gel Elijah?”
Johannes sa sor bo, “Yeb, te ngang.”
Resa kasiy le re sor bo, “Gel Profeta we?”
Yesa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Yeb.”#Ml 4:5; Dt 18:15, 18
22Iwe resa sor bo, “Ila ngo hosa kangalugmem hare gel itey. Towe mmal le be tor tefalel kasiy le yamem bo ha bela kangalur rechokla re fang doh hamem. Ha bela kangalur bo gel itey?”
23Johannes sa hatefaeli le ye kapta mokwe yalol profeta Isaiah we ye sor bo:
“Ngang ‘yalol semal yarmat le ye tetawul mo lal lobosla ye tolmay loh:
Ha hawwele yalap la be budoh Samol iyang!’”#Is 40:3 (LXX)
24Re hagloy kowe yar Pharisees kowe resa kasiya Johannes bo, 25“Hare te gel Kristus hare Elijah hare Profeta we, ila ngo meda fal le homa baptismus iyang?”
26Johannes sa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Ngang ima baptismus irel chael. Ngo ye mel semal mo luwulumi le hami ha togla. 27Ila yeramtala yebe budoh mo wol miriy, le bwela kala yal mwo ngo tor kofay le ibe besi.”
28Pangal meka ngo ye weldoh mo wol Bethany we ye mel meteralel mololul we Jordan, irel loboswe Johannes ye babaptismusgilir yarmat mo iyang.
Agnus We Lol Deus
29Yela ralawe seral ngo Johannes sa wiri Jesus le ye bubudoh irel, ngo sa sor bo, “Ilay iy Agnus we Lol Deus we yema hachuya molfidir re faileng! 30Iye yeramtawe ikekapta kofal we isor bo, ‘Semal mal ila yebe budoh mo wol miriy, le ye tagiyet mo imoy bo fal mala ye faesul mel mo imol yodwe ngang iy subdoh iyang.’ 31Ngang iy wol togla le iy. Ibudoh le ima baptismus irel chael bo mil mala iy yebe gil ngalir yeramtael Israel.”
32Iwe ngo Johannes sa wol sor bo, “Iwiri Espritu Santus le ye bidiy mo woal laeng le ye wochog semal dove#1:32 dove: ila semat mael yeyel le ye bbech le ye wochog gigiy. ye sala yopdiy uwol. 33Irel yodla ngo ited gola chog bo iy molwe. Iwe ngo hala chog ila Deus we ye fangdoh ngang bo ibe baptismus irel chael mele ye kangaluyey bo, ‘Hobe wiri Espritu Santus le be bidiy mo wol laeng sala yopdiy uwol semal mal; ila yeramtala yebe baptismusgilir yarmat irel Espritu Santus.’” 34Johannes sa sor bo, “Isa wiri ngal metay, ngo ibe hatosiya ngalugmi le iy molwe Lol Deus.”
Mokwe Metamol Redabeyel Jesus
35Yela ralawe seral ngo Johannes sa wol su loboswe le ir mo rumal mokwe redabeyal, 36ngo yesa wiri Jesus le ye dedarloh. Iwe ngo Johannes yesa sor bo, “Ilay iy Agnus we Lol Deus!”
37Rechokwe rumal we redabeyal re rongrong molwe ye sor iwe resa loh re sala dabey Jesus. 38Jesus ye ttagul sala wirir we re dedabedoh miril ngo sa kasiyar bo, “Meda mele ha memeri?”
Iwe ngo resa hatefaeli ngo resa sor bo, “Iya mele homa mel iyang ho, Rabbi?” (Fael pedal hapatpat le ila “Sensey.”)
39Iwe ngo Jesus yesa sor bo, “Ha budoh ha bela wiri.” (Yodle ngo bele faw kolok leplaliyol.) Iwe resa dabeloh Jesus re sala wiri lobowe yema mel iyang. Resa budoh paoy irel ralawe.
40Semal ir ila Andrew we bisil Simon Pedrus. 41Irel yodwe ngo Andrew sala meri fedaley Simon we bisil re sala wer fengal. Yesa kangalu bo, “Hamem hasa wiri Messiah we.” (Fael pedal hapatpat le ila “Kristus.”) 42Iwe yesa fesanguloh Simon irel Jesus.
Jesus ye kal ngali ngo sa sor bo, “Mala idem ila Simon le gel lol John, ngo re bele ffesang ngalug bo Cephas.” (Idle le ila ye hafedeg ngal idle Pedrus le fal ila “porow.”)
Jesus Ye Ffesangu Philip Mo Nathanael
43Ralawe seral ngo Jesus sa sor bo yebe loh Galilee. Yela wiri Philip ngo sa kangalu bo, “Budoh hobe dabeyey!” 44(Philip ila semal yeramatal Bethsaida, haplom we Andrew mo Pedrus rema mel iyang.) 45Philip yela wiri Nathanael ngo sa kangalu bo, “Hamem hasa wiri yeramtawe Moses ye tefadiy kofal lal babiorol Hatobtob we. Iye yeramtawe profeta kwe re wol tefa kofal lal babior. Iy Jesus we lol Joseph we semal re Nazareth.”
46Nathanael ye kasiy le ye sor bo, “Ifa momay le be budoh mo wol Nazareth?” Iwe ngo Philip yesa sor bo, “Budoh ho bela wiri.”
47Yodwe Jesus yela wiri Nathanael le ye bubudoh irel ngo sa kapta kofael Nathanael le ye sor bo, “Yeramtala ila iy semal halongol re Israel; tor mele ye tafel mo irel igegel yal memel!”
48Nathanael yesa kasiy le ye sor bo, “Ifa sengal chog ngo ho sala golayey?”
Jesus sa sor bo, “Imol yodwe Philip yebe ffesangug, ngo iwurug le ho mel fael ire we fig idal.”
49Nathanael sa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Sensey, gel molwe Lol Deus! Gel mele King wol Israel!”
50Jesus sa sor bo, “Hosa chepar le fael molwe ikangalug bo iwurug mo fael fig we? Iwe ngo yor mekla ho bele wiri le yebe weldoh le be kkel yal palleng mo imol mele!” 51Iwe ngo sa kangalur bo, “Iy kangalugmi mala tosal: ha bele wiri laeng le be sugeg ngo ha wiri angelus kala lol Deus, le sibis re bibidah ngo sibis re bibidiy wol mala Layur Retalop.”#Gn 28:12
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