Mataio 1
Yesuhât tâmbâlipŋe yeŋgât kutyeŋe
(Luka 3:23-28)
1Yura lohimbi nengât tâmbânenŋe, yamâ kutŋe Awaraham sâm, yâkât senâmbâ gâtŋe Dawiti. Otmu yâk yetgât sen âlâ yâkâlembâ Yesu teteop yamâ Anitâŋe hâŋgângumu giop. Otmu Awarahamgât senâmbâ tetem gawi ya yeŋgât kutyeŋe yuwu.
2Topŋe katmâ Awarahamgât nanŋe, kutŋe Isaka sâm ya teteop. Isakahât nanŋe Yakop sâm ya teteop. Yakopgât nanŋe Yura sâm, ya teteop. Otmu imilipŋe dondâ meyehop. 3Yuraŋe imbi âlâ, kutŋe Tama sâm, ya miop. Yaŋeâmâ naom yâhâp meyelehop, yâk yetgât kutyetŋe, Peresi yet Sera. Otmu Peresihât nanŋe Hesoron teteop. Hesorongât nanŋe Lam teteop. 4Lamgât nanŋe Aminarap teteop. Aminarapgât nanŋe Nason teteop. Nasongât nanŋe Salamon teteop. 5Salamonŋe imbi miop yamâ kutŋe Lahap, yaŋeâmâ nanyetŋe Boasi miop. Boasiŋe imbi, kutŋe Lut sâm, ya memu yâkŋe nanyetŋe Owet sâm ya miop. Owetgât nanŋe Yese teteop. 6Yesehât nanŋe Dawiti teteop.
Dawitiŋeâmâ lok kutdâ otmâ manmâ bukuŋe, kutŋe Uria sâm, yâkât imbi hârem mewaŋgiop. Imbi yaŋe nanyetŋe Solomon ya miop. 7Solomongât nanŋe Lehowoam teteop. Lehowoamgât nanŋe Awia teteop. Awiahât nanŋe Asa teteop. 8Asahât nanŋe Yosapata teteop. Yosapatahât nanŋe Yoram teteop. Yoramgât nanŋe Usia teteop. 9Usiahât nanŋe Yotam teteop. Yotamgât nanŋe Ahasi teteop. Ahasihât nanŋe Hisikia teteop. 10Hisikiahât nanŋe Manase teteop. Manasehât nanŋe Amon teteop. Amongât nanŋe Yosia teteop. 11Yosiahât nanŋe Yekonia teteop. Otmu imilipŋe nombotŋe meyehop.
Otmu sâp yanâmâ kapi pato âlâ, kutŋe Bawilonia sâm, yan tâmbâlipnenŋe yeŋgât kasalipyeŋaŋe taka yongom kiom tuhuyiŋgiwi. Kiom tuhuyiŋgim meyekmâ ari Bawilonia yan katyekŋetâ yâk yeŋgât hoŋ bawa otmâ manbi. 12Bawilonia kapi manbi yakât kakŋan Yekoniahât nanŋe, kutŋe Salatie sâm ya teteop. Salatiehât nanŋe Seruwawe teteop. 13Seruwawehât nanŋe Awiuru teteop. Awiuruhât nanŋe Eliakim teteop. Eliakimgât nanŋe Asoro teteop. 14Asorohât nanŋe Sarok teteop. Sarokgât nanŋe Akim teteop. Akimgât nanŋe Eliut teteop. 15Eliutgât nanŋe Eliasa teteop. Eliasahât nanŋe Matan teteop. Matangât nanŋe Yakop teteop. 16Yakopgât nanŋe Yosep teteop. Yosepgât imbi sâŋetâ manop yamâ Maria. Yâhâ Mariaŋeâmâ Yesu miop yamâ Anitâŋe hâŋgângumu yâkâlen gemu miop ya nâŋgâmain.
17Otmu Awarahamgât senâmbâ tetem gaŋetâ gaŋetâ tânâmyeŋambâ Dawiti ya teteop. Yâhâ Awaraham yâkâlembâ lok komotŋe komotŋe tetem gaŋetâ ya yeŋgât sen yaŋe menduhuakmâ 14 olop. Otmu Dawitihât sen yapâ tetem gaŋetâ gaŋetâ Bawilonia hânân ari manbi sen yaŋe menduhuakmâ yawuâk 14 olop. Otmu Bawilonia hânân manbi yaŋak manmâ gaŋetâ gaŋetâ Anitâŋe nanŋe tihitnenŋe olâk sâm hâŋgângumu yuân giop sen yaŋe menduhuakmâ yawuâk 14 olop. Otmu Yesuŋe giop sâp yanâmâ sen ya pesuk sâop.
Yesu teteop
(Luka 2:1-7)
18Anitâŋe Yesu hâŋgângumu gemu Mariaŋe miop yakât topŋe yuwu tap. Mâmâŋe Maria yamâ Yosepgât pat kuwaŋgiwi. Yâhâmâ sihan ikŋiâk ikŋiâk manmâ gamutâ Anitâhât Wâtgât mâmâŋahât Heakŋe Maria mâmâŋe otbaŋgimu, lokŋe orop, konohân ki manowot yan, imbiâk ya tepŋe olop. 19Sâp yan Yosepŋe Anitâhât den tâŋ tâŋâk lâum manop. Yakât otmâmâ biwiŋaŋe yuwu nâŋgâop. “Âo, yuâmâ nâhât pat kunihiwi. Yamâ benŋe lok nombotŋe orop mon manmai. Yawu gârâmâ nâŋe lok sen senân watmune aŋulakmap,” yawu sâm biwiŋanâk nâŋgâm manop. 20Yawu nâŋgâm manmâ yâhâm yâhâm yan awun ehop. Awun ekmu Anitâhât aŋelo âlâŋe yuwu sâm ekuop. “Yosep gâ Dawitihât sen, yakât yuwu sâm ekgohomune nâŋgâ. Anitâhât Wâtgât mâmâŋahât Heakŋe Maria mâmâŋe otbaŋgimu tepŋe oap. Yawu gârâmâ gâŋe ki nâŋgârâ bâlewuap. 21Yâkŋe nanŋe membuap. Nanŋe memu kutŋe Yesu kunbuat. Yâhâ kutŋe yakât topŋe yuwu. Yen yâkât komot manmâ otmâ hilipgum gai yen kerehâk meyekbuap. Meyekmu Anitâŋe yekmu ârândâŋ otbuap.” Aŋeloŋe yawu sâm Yosep ekum ariop.
22-25Yawu sâm Yosep ekuop ya nâŋgâmu ârândâŋ otmu imbiŋe memu orowâk manowot. Yawu manmâ yâhâm naom ya miop. Otmu Yosepŋe naom ya kutŋe Yesu sâm kunop. Yakât topŋe teteâkgât Anitâŋe emet inânŋan yuwu sâmu poropete âlâŋe kulemguop.
“Imbi sihan âlâŋe naom membuap. Yâhâ kutŋe âlâmâ Imanue sâm kunbuap.”
Yawu sâmu kulemguop. Kut kunop yakât topŋeâmâ yuwu tap. Anitâŋe nen orop sâp ârândâŋâk tatmap. Yawu.
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