Luke 9:23
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And he said to them aʼ, “Gin ony man wad follow me, lat him deny his sel, and tak up his cross ilka day, and follow me!
Explore Luke 9:23
Luke 9:24
“For whasae wad hain his life sal tine it; and whasae may tine his life for my sake, that vera man sal save it!
Explore Luke 9:24
Luke 9:62
But Jesus said to him, “Nae man, takin haud oʼ the pleuch, and lookin back to the things ahint, is fit for the Kingdom oʼ God!”
Explore Luke 9:62
Luke 9:25
“For what sairs it a man, gin he has gotten the hail warld, and has tint his sel, or is cuisten oot?
Explore Luke 9:25
Luke 9:26
“For, whasae has shame oʼ me and oʼ my words, the Son oʼ Man sal hae shame oʼ him, at what time he comes in his glorie, and in the glorie oʼ the Faither, and oʼ the holie Angels.
Explore Luke 9:26
Luke 9:58
And Jesus said to him, “The tods hae dens, and the burdies oʼ the lift hae nests; but the Son oʼ Man hasna whauron to lay his heid!”
Explore Luke 9:58
Luke 9:48
And said to them, “Whasae may mak welcome this bairn in my name, welcomes me! and whasae welcomes me, welcomes him that sent me: for he that is least amang ye, he sal be great!”
Explore Luke 9:48
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