Luke 13:24
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
But he said to him, “Be ye warslin to win in at the stret yett! for mony, I say tʼye, wull fain be gaun in, and winna be able.
Explore Luke 13:24
Luke 13:11-12
And see! a wumman, haein a spirit oʼ fecklessness, auchteen year; and she was cruppen‐thegither, and coudna in onygate lift up hersel. And seein her, Jesus spak oot, and said to her, “Wumman! ye are lowsed frae yer fecklessness!”
Explore Luke 13:11-12
Luke 13:13
And he laid his hauns on her; and at ance she was strauchtit; and gied praises to God.
Explore Luke 13:13
Luke 13:30
“And tent ye! some are hinmaist that sal be foremaist; and some are foremaist that sal be hinmaist.”
Explore Luke 13:30
Luke 13:25
“Frae the time the gudeman may rise and steek the door — and ye begin to staun withoot, and to chap at the door, cryin, ‘Lord! open ye to us!’ and, answerin, he sal say, ‘I ken ye na, nor whaur ye are frae!’
Explore Luke 13:25
Luke 13:5
“Na, I tell ye: but gin ye repent‐na, in siclike mainner sal ye be destroyʼt.”
Explore Luke 13:5
Luke 13:27
“And he wull say, ‘I tell ye, I ken‐na whaur ye are frae! depairt frae me aʼ ye doers oʼ unrighteousness!’
Explore Luke 13:27
Luke 13:18-19
And sae he said, “Like to what is the Kingdom oʼ God? and to what may I even it? “It is like to a seed oʼ the mustard, that a man took, and cuist intil his gairden; and it grew, and cam to be a great tree, and the burdies oʼ the air beildit in its branches.”
Explore Luke 13:18-19
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