Luke 12:40
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“And ye too, be winnin ready! for in an ʼoor yeʼre no thinkin oʼ, the Son oʼ Man comes.”
Explore Luke 12:40
Luke 12:31
“But be ye seekin his Kingdom; and thir things sal be gien ower and aboon to ye.
Explore Luke 12:31
Luke 12:15
And he said to them aʼ, “Tak tent, and keep yersels frae being sellie; for a manʼs life disna bide in his haddin or his gear.”
Explore Luke 12:15
Luke 12:34
“For yer heart will be whaur yere best gear is!
Explore Luke 12:34
Luke 12:25
“And wha amang ye, though he be eʼer sae fain, coud add to his measur ae span?
Explore Luke 12:25
Luke 12:22
And he says to his disciples, “Be na putten‐to anent yere life — what ye may eat? nor yet for the body, what ye may be buskit wiʼ.
Explore Luke 12:22
Luke 12:7
“But the vera hairs oʼ yere heid are aʼ coontit. Be‐na fearʼt; ye are better than a hantle oʼ sparrows!
Explore Luke 12:7
Luke 12:32
“Be‐na fearʼt, ye wee hirsel, mickle lovʼd! for weel‐pleased was yere Faither to gift ye the Kingdom.
Explore Luke 12:32
Luke 12:24
“Think oʼ the craws — that they neither saw nor shear: for whilk thar is naither girnal nor barn — and God feeds them! Are ye no a hantle better nor the fowls?
Explore Luke 12:24
Luke 12:29
“And be‐na ye aye seekin eftir what ye are to eat, and what ye are to drink; naither staun in a swither.
Explore Luke 12:29
Luke 12:28
“Noo, gin the foggage (whilk grows the day iʼ the park, and is cuisten intil the oven the morn), God sae brawlie busks, hoo mickle mair you, ye oʼ smaʼ faith?
Explore Luke 12:28
Luke 12:2
“But naething is happit ower, that sanna be uncoverʼt — and hid awa, that sanna be brocht oot.
Explore Luke 12:2
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