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DEŇ 4 Z 5

Another day to examine your emotional temperature.

Romans 12:19 Man says: If I don't get even, they'll get away with it! God says: Revenge is for God, not for you.

Ephesians 4:26-27 Man says: People deserve to get blasted sometimes! God says: Control your anger. If not, you'll do bad things, opening the door to Satan.

James 1:19-20 Man says: My temper lets her know where she stands. Best way to solve the problem. God says: Actually, a temper NEVER achieves good things.

Hebrews 12:15 Man says: Yes, I'm bitter. And I plan on staying that way. It wasn't fair! God says: You are hurting others and missing God's grace then.

Deň 3Deň 5

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