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It's Time to Divorce Rejection!Ukážka

It's Time to Divorce Rejection!

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Scripture tells us how Jesus handled rejection; He didn’t hide away or become less social. The first instinct of a person who is being bullied is to lash back and then withdraw. Jesus stood strong and went right on with the mission before Him.

We know he experienced rejection in his hometown of Nazareth, yet He went about teaching throughout the villages! Mark 6:6.

Scripture tells us to depart and shake the dust off our feet when others do not want to hear us or see us. In other words, those who reject us aren’t worth our bother. Matthew 10:14

Remember when one of His own, betrayed Jesus? How do you think we would have responded to the actions of Judas? Most likely not as kindly as Jesus did.

Remember in His betrayal Jesus still called him, Friend.” Matthew 26:50a

Romans 12:17-21 gives us valuable wisdom! “Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” (Be sure to read the verses suggested prior to verse 21)

It is so hard to love those who do us wrong, yet God gives us guidelines to be kind to those that mistreat us.

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”2 Corinthians. 10:3-5


The mind is one of the most powerful things we have, and it can also be a powerful weapon. Train your mind not to store the negative thoughts and words you have heard. Don’t allow yourself to go on the defense and say hurtful words in retaliation, making us no better than the person who rejects us. Instead of allowing hatred to manifest, think of something positive about that person to store in your heart. When we get and use this mindset, we are divorcing rejection!

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O tomto pláne

It's Time to Divorce Rejection!

We have all faced rejection, some more than others; it comes in many forms, and how we handle rejection determines if it controls us. Discover ways through God’s promises to take victory over rejection! I hope you will join me on this 5-day devotional to discover that we are not alone in rejection, for Jesus is rejected to this day!
