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Don't Give Up On Your DreamsUkážka

Don't Give Up On Your Dreams

DEŇ 5 Z 6

After being thrown into a pit and sold as a slave, Joseph now reaches another low point in his life: he is thrown into prison. It is all so unfair, considering that Joseph was completely innocent. And yet, Joseph remains faithful – and useful! Joseph had already demonstrated his administrative skills in Potiphar’s house, and now in prison, God continues to grant him favor, enabling him to occupy once more a position of leadership (Gen. 39:21-22). Consequently, “The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph’s charge, because the LORD was with him. And whatever he did, the LORD made it succeed” (v. 23, ESV).

In yesterday’s reading, we emphasized how we need to persevere when it comes to saying “no” to temptation. Similarly, we need to show perseverance in saying “yes.” We need to continue doing what is right, to be productive and to be a blessing for other people—even under adverse circumstances, even when we have been falsely accused, even when we have been wronged. 

The time of waiting, the time during which God tests us and prepares us for a future task, may last more than one season of our lives. The important thing is that we remain faithful in each of those seasons. As the Apostle Paul exhorts us: "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up" (Gal. 6:9; see also 2 Thess. 3:13 and Hebr. 10:36).

•  Reflection: What kind of strengths, skills, or talents has God given you? How are you currently putting these capabilities to use for the glory of God?

•  Prayer: “Father God, I thank you for the many wonderful things you have placed in my life, acknowledging that every good gift comes from you. Empower me by your Spirit to be a witness wherever you have placed me so that I would be faithful and useful in the season of life that I am currently in.”     

Deň 4Deň 6

O tomto pláne

Don't Give Up On Your Dreams

It’s easy to give up on one’s dreams. It’s one thing to start with a great dream or with an inspiring vision. But then life happens, and life has a way of attacking, hindering and sometimes even destroying our dreams. In the face of adversity, it is crucial to hold on to what God has promised –and to be inspired by biblical role models like Joseph, who never gave up.
