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Seek First: A 28-Day Reading Plan for New BelieversUkážka

Seek First: A 28-Day Reading Plan for New Believers

DEŇ 21 Z 28

We can know

The Bible says we can be confident of our salvation. We can know that we have eternal life. Our confidence is not based on what we have done but on what Christ has done for us. If you are not absolutely confident that you are a Christ-follower, confess Him as Lord today. If you have already made this life-changing decision, write about how and when you did.  

Deň 20Deň 22

O tomto pláne

Seek First: A 28-Day Reading Plan for New Believers

It’s simple; we want you to commit to reading the Bible every day—and see what happens. What can God teach you? How can He change you?
