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Words. They Become You!Ukážka

Words. They Become You!

DEŇ 9 Z 10

Double-mindedness will Sabotage your Progress

Sometimes we tend to sabotage our progress by being double minded, but if you are going to see changes in your situations and circumstances you have to purpose in your heart that you will not waver. The Apostle James said, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man supposes that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways (James 1: 5-8 NKJV).

You can see the Apostle James addressing the way we are supposed to make our requests to God. He shows us we have to ask God for wisdom believing God will grant us what we need. Being double minded means that we don’t stay in faith in our prophesying after we have made our request to God. We pray the answer but as soon as we leave his presence we speak all the negatives in the natural thereby nullifying our prayers and sabotaging ourselves and we blame the devil or God for not working things out for us.

We have all been here, I know I was number one in being double minded and sometimes doubt still tried to creep in, but I’m learning how to trust God more. When you move away from prophesying God’s word, then you will be subjected to the situation and circumstances that life throws at you. I want to go further than encourage you I want to plead with you, please do not give up because you just might be half way through to your miracle.

Prayer of Creative Words
Father, I am setting my heart and mind on your word, I refuse to be like the wave of the sea being driven and tossed by the wind but rather today I declare that my mind is sound, stable and fixed in your words of life.
Deň 8Deň 10

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Words. They Become You!

You'll discover the supernatural power that's unleashed in learning to say what God's told you to say and you'll find that by changing your words, you'll change your life...but it's YOUR choice.


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