
Loose lips sink ships. Hung by the tongue. Open mouth; insert foot. There are so many phrases that describe the dangers of not having control of your mouth and the things you say. Gossip is no exception. Gossip is one of those things that is so easy to justify, especially if we have been hurt. Here are two basic principles for gossip: Those that gossip to you will also gossip about you. And, if you are not a part of the solution, you shouldn't be talking. Is God really that concerned about gossip? Does He really care about what we say? Take a look at God's Word to learn how to use your words!
O tomto pláne

Slová, ktoré používame, majú neuveriteľnú silu postaviť alebo roztrhať. Klebety sú veľmi nákazlivé. Takže akú úlohu hrajú slová v našom živote - prinášať život, alebo ničiť druhých? Tento sedemdňový plán ti pomôže porozumieť, že Boh berie veľmi vážne, čo vychádza z našich úst. Upokoj sa a len počúvaj, čo k tomu hovorí On. Pre viac obsahu navštív finds.life.church
Tento plán vytvorilo Life.Church