The Windshieldනියැදිය

The Windshield

DAY 5 OF 5

Day 5 The Broad and Narrow Road

We’re all familiar with the image of the broad and narrow road, right? Jesus speaks about it in the Sermon on the Mount:

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)

These verses remind us that most people don’t think beyond their earthly lives and simply take what the world offers, staying within their comfort zones. The majority choose the path of least resistance and walk along the broad road. But as Christians, our choices are meant to reflect eternity. That’s why indulgence, entertainment, and the fleshly desires of our old nature no longer have a place in our new life in Christ. The road we follow is narrow.

We can see both roads through our windshield. Driving on a four-lane highway can feel relaxing—you set the cruise control, lean back in your seat, and drive along easily. One in three drivers might even be glancing at their phones while cruising. You might swerve a little, but it doesn’t seem like a big deal since everyone is heading in the same direction—until something goes wrong.

On the other hand, driving on a narrow country road or a busy street with oncoming traffic requires serious attention. You can’t afford to take in all the scenery around you or make a phone call because the consequences could be fatal. On a narrow road, you can quickly veer off course. And for truck drivers, veering off could mean getting stuck or even tipping over.

On the spiritual narrow road, we must stay focused on Jesus to avoid straying. My driving instructor used to say, “Look far ahead, not at the sidelines, because if you focus on the sidelines, you’ll automatically steer toward them.” The same is true on the spiritual road—if we lose focus on Jesus, our old, sinful desires resurface, and before we know it, we’ve abandoned our first love.

When I look through my spiritual windshield, I see the broad and narrow roads as representations of the old and new self as described in Ephesians 4:17-32. As Christians, we are no longer without God—we are a new creation. But we still live in our old, sinful, fleshly bodies. That’s why we must focus on renewing our minds and putting on the new self, which is created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

I encourage you: if you’re still walking on the broad road, take the exit. Turn from the broad road to the narrow road, where Jesus will guide you. The decision to turn is yours alone—no one else can make it for you. The devil may push and pull, but Jesus, as the sovereign God, calls you with authority and love. He calls you to obedience, urging you to open the door to Him. (Revelation 3:20).

My Prayer for You

If you’re on the broad road:
Don’t miss the exit! Take it while there’s still time. Confess your sins to God, obey His call, and dedicate your heart to Jesus in full surrender.

For my brothers and sisters on the narrow road:
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Don’t let distractions divert your attention—run with endurance, looking to Him as the author and perfecter of your faith.

I wish you a safe journey and a blessed arrival!

God’s blessings,
Daniël Kroezen

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About this Plan

The Windshield

A foggy windshield, poor visibility from rainy weather, or glare from the sun—you’ve probably experienced it before!
How do we keep a clear view of the path God has mapped out for our lives? Let me invite you into my world as a trucker, offering a unique perspective through a Christian lens, with insights that might surprise you. Will you turn the key and give the go-ahead? Let’s hit the road together!
