Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Communityනියැදිය

Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Community

DAY 23 OF 28

Increasing Blessings - Lay Your Children Down

Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was unable to have children and was old. However, God promised Abraham that Sarah would have a son. God fulfilled that promise. Sarah was 90 years old, and Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born. Along with the promise of this son came the promise that God would continue his covenant with Isaac’s descendants.

In Genesis 22, God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. When God told Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice, he must have been confused. He had to wonder how the second part of the promise could happen if Isaac were dead. Imagine the desperation and horror Sarah must have endured watching Abraham lead Isaac away to offer a sacrifice when she did not see a lamb. Nevertheless, Abraham was obedient and followed God’s instructions. Imagine Abraham’s journey:

As he walked up the mountain… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he built the altar… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he arranged the wood… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he bound Isaac’s hands and feet… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he laid Isaac’s body on the wood… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he removed the knife from the sheath… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he raised his hand, preparing to strike the deadly blow… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

As he looked into his only son’s eyes… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

Imagine how Abraham felt when he heard God’s voice, “Abraham, Abraham! STOP!” (Genesis 22: 11-12). I paraphrased a bit, but that must have been how it sounded. Imagine Abraham’s relief when he looked over and saw that God had provided a ram. God had once again been faithful. He told Abraham, “Because you had not withheld your son, your only son, indeed I will greatly bless you.”

I have four adult children. I love them beyond measure. Each has given David and me cause to drop to our knees and bring their name before the Throne of Grace. At times, fear and anxiety have gripped us as we watched them navigate life. We have watched them make choices that led to uncomfortable and even destructive circumstances. We have endured the heartache of seeing them struggle through difficult challenges. More than once, we have had to hug them because they were harmed by the choices of others. In every scenario, we lacked the ability to control the circumstances. We were forced to trust God with our most precious treasures.

Trusting God can be difficult, especially when it comes to children. One might think that it gets easier once they are adults. It doesn’t. The older they get, the less control a parent has. There comes a time when the parent must be willing to lay the child down–to let go and allow God to fulfill His promises completely. It is an intentional and necessary step toward increasing God’s blessings for you and your children.

As you lay your child down, remember… “God, I am willing. I know your promises are true.”

Julie Austin

Action Step: Start journaling specifically for your children. Write down areas where you need to lay them down before God. Then, allow God to take control over them.


About this Plan

Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Community

Are you ready to increase the value of your relationships and community? Join us for this 28-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.
