
Day Nine: The Dollhouse Days Are Over
Let’s talk about dollhouses for a second. I don't know if you’ve ever played with dolls. I never did. Okay, yes, I did. I have a younger sister named Tiffany, and she had an obnoxious amount of dolls—Barbie houses, Barbie cars, the whole nine yards. But here’s the thing: none of it was real. The dollhouse, the little plastic furniture—it was all just a miniature version of the real thing, a place where you pretend to live but don’t actually.
That’s kind of like what Moses was dealing with in the Old Testament. He had the tabernacle: this intricate, well-designed tent that God told him to set up. But as impressive as it might have been, ultimately it was just a dollhouse—a tiny replica compared to the real deal in heaven. Moses was like the Barbie in charge of the pink house. But Jesus is the owner and builder of the real house, the one not made by human hands.
Jesus isn’t just messing around with a miniature model; He’s sitting at the throne in heaven, the real throne room of God. Everything Moses did—the tabernacle, the sacrifices—was a shadow, a tiny preview of what Jesus would do for real.
Jesus didn’t just come to build a better dollhouse; He brought a better covenant. The old one, while necessary, was incomplete. It’s like having a VHS player when 4K is available. The new Jeremiah saw this coming when he prophesied about a new covenant where God’s law would be written on our hearts, not just on stone tablets. Now we're an entire nation of priests. You're a priest, I'm a priest, we're all priests. We all got turbans on. It's dope. I lost my turban though. It's insane. It's a long story for a different time though.
So, the preacher in Hebrews is urging his Jewish audience—and us—to see that the scriptures, the very ones they’ve held dear, were always pointing to Jesus. The Old Testament isn’t abandoned; it’s fulfilled in Christ. God’s moved on, and He’s inviting us to move on too—into the fullness of this new, better covenant. It’s all there in the scriptures, validated by the Old Testament and brought to life through Jesus Christ. The dollhouse days are over. We’re living in the reality of God’s presence, with a High Priest who reigns forever in glory.
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Jesus is the perfect High Priest, who offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice, transcending the Levitical system. This plan by Nathan Finochio works through the book of Hebrews, highlighting key themes like discipline, identity, and trust in God's promises. May it encourage you with practical application of faith and invite you to deepen your faith, keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus, our unwavering anchor.